Chapter 11

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Wow. 100+ comments! Thanks, guys!

I also lied last chapter... unknowingly.

:P Lady inspiration has been mean. Sorry it's a but short.

"'Cmon, Lune. You were on a streak. Plus, this one's so easy." Bill was really getting annoyed. Stupid human morals. They were holding his precious power source back.

"Bill, no offence, but I'm really starting to question your morality here, man." Dipper arched his eyebrow to Chrysoberyl, then went back to staring at the fluffy cotton ball-like bunny in front of him.

The yellow gem sighed. "Dipper. It's not an adorable bunny. It's playing you for a fool."

Dipper held his sword close. Who better to tell him something's an illusion than the master of illusion himself. "I think I'd feel a lot better if I actually see it change or something. Or just see it... y'know... not look so innocent?"

Bill sighed in annoyance as he pulled his scythe from his gem. He jumped up and brought it down on the bunny.

Dipper winced, but once he seen what it was, he knew he would've felt bad letting it be set free. "What is that?"

Bill's sythe disappeared. "Charmed windigo. It would've ate every human in town if ya let it go. Ya gotta trust me, kid."

Dipper didn't pry his eyes off the horrific creature. "I-I will."

Bill hummed happily. "Tommorow we'll get rid of the rest. Hm?"

Dipper nodded. "Yeah. Those things look really dangerous." He cringed at the dead humanoid creature.

"And not good. See? We're already being useful!" He put both hands on Dipper's shoulders and pushed him to a nearby cave. He snapped his fingers once they were in.

"Why are we stopping here? Shouldn't we go back to the island or something?" Dipper asked, obviously confused why they were moving so quickly.

Bill waved it off. "Bad people are on the island, kid. It won't be safe for me or you."

"Yeah, but who?"

"Bad people. You said you'll trust me. " Bill said, almost accusingly.


"Sodey, this place... I almost got eaten by a water dinosaur here. Fake one, but..." She shrugged, making a weird face.

"I apologize, Solana. I just know this is totally something Cipher would do. He loved solitude as much as always being the center of attention. However that makes sense. Why wouldn't he choose an obvious, but lonesome island?"

"Hey, that looks like one of those monster dudes we seen last time we seen what's his face." Mabel pointed to two multicolored hands attached to eachother.

Sodalite gasped. She froze, completely immobile as she watched it with wide, teary eyes.

"Sodey? Sodalite? Are you okay? It's just a hand." Mabel skipped towards it and pet it. "See? It's not even that bad!"

Sodalite shivered. "Solana, get away from that. They... it could be dangerous." Sodalite took a step back.

Mabel hopped on it's wrist. "Cmon! It'll take us right to my brother!" She tapped it on it's (assumed) backside and it began to crawl.

Sodalite gasped, tears breaking free from her eyes. Did Solana not know... of course she didn't. "Solana!" Sodalite trailed after her, not going close to the monster, but not letting her student out of her sight either.

Mabel looked concerned. "Sodey, what's wrong?"

"The... the monster." Sodalite breathed. "You have a determined heart, Solana. I respect that... but... and... you don't have to ride on this. I don't want to sound inconsiderate, but maybe we can just follow it. From a distance."

Mabel scoffed. "We might lose it. Plus I don't see anything not good about her." She stroked it's side. "Isn't that right, Ariel?"

The hand shivered and she laughed.

Sodalite took a breath, continuing to follow from a distance. "Why Ariel?"

Mabel smiled and pointed ahead of them. "Cause this hand's gonna swim like the little mermaid, boi! Ahahah."

Sodalite looked to the water and sighed. Cipher moved.

She summoned her pistol and hopped onto the water, walking on it as if it were just a shallow puddle layered on a road of concrete. She grimaced when Ariel followed.

"Onwards, Ariel! Take me to my brother so we may take him home!" She smiled brightly, braces shimmering partially in Sodalite's eyes. The deep blue gem rubbed her eyes, messing with her contacts.

She groaned, stopping to fix them as Mabel traveled dangerously far ahead. When she recovered, the sun gem was gone.

A sarcastic "great" was in order.

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