Chapter 15

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[*DOESN'T EDIT BECAUSE I FREAKING FINALLY WROTE IT* I'm also sorry because the next part isn't written yet. BUT HEY, YOU CAN HAVE THIS!]

Solana watched a moonstone from a distance. She watched her abnormally white and wavy hair bounce as she parted from the other moonstones.

The sunstone said her goodbyes to her sunstone comrades and walked after her. The moonstone looked familiar somehow. She was different than the others, therefore hard to forget.

Moonstone S walked away from the others, shaking her head. She stopped between the cracks of two gem buildings. She was made to love. She was made to one day fuse. Become a powerhouse made for battle. So... why couldn't she interact with others?! It was a medial task and she was failing it. "Am I defective o-or something?"

Maybe they were wrong when they said she was special. When the new sapphire said she'll hold a balance of many fates. They were wrong. She deserved to be thrown away, taken away and put into an object. Shattered, made into a cluster. She was useless. Why did they still accept her? She stopped and collapsed to her knees crying, hidden away from all other gems. She'd never be able to serve anyone at the rate she's going.

"Do you need assistance?" S looked up only to be met with a bright smile. She swiped her tears and flinched back. "Woah. You're prettier up close. I'm sunstone."

S felt her sit. "G-greetings. I will not be needing assistance and- and-" The gem looked away. "I accept your compliment. I apologize if my appearance distracted you from your duties."

S's head was lifted and gently moved so she was looking at Sunstone. Sunstone grinned, then had to stop herself from laughing. "Apologize? Hah. You confuse and amuse me. I am not above a gem such as yourself. We are equal."

"..." S tried making her body look smaller. Maybe Sunstone would leave if she noticed how uncomfortable she was. Sunstones were good at that? Right? Moonstone leafed through her young thousand year old mind for information on his counterpart race.

"Conmuse... you conmuse me. Oh! Oooorr- you amfuse me." Sunstone grinned at S, letting her face go and hugging her.

The white haired girl gulped hard, snapping out of her daze. "I-I'm sorry. Did you just say fuse?"

Sunstone drew back with a blank face. A sudden rush of realization changed her features. "Oh, not us. The adjectives. I fused them into one that has twice as many meanings."

"...a portmanteau." Moonstone S flushed, knowing that this sunstone may be the only one she'd have a chance with fusing in battle with one day. "D-did you know that before the Pink Quartz Rebellion f-fusion between different gems was taboo and generally unheard of? Nowadays, gems s-seem to incorporate it in m-many things, including war tactics. That's why we were created. To make a stronger fusion that would easily obey to command."

Sunstone gave Moonstone a very odd look. "May I ask... where did you acquire such information?"

Moonstone jumped and flinched back. She hung her head. "I-It was an accident, I swear. I overheard pearls gossip about us. Please don't report me."

"Amfuse me again, huh? That seems to be one of your strong suits, moonstone." Sunstone stared at Moonstone, and Moonstone stared back.

I love you.

"What's your ID?"

"...S" *blush

*laughter "No way! Mine too!"

"...want to- uh... fuse? I-I mean, in battle of course."

"I'd like that."

"May the diamonds well you."

"You too."

Chrysoberyl B31 frowned at the scene projected in front of her. She slammed her claws against her mint coloured crystal desk and growled. "The Fated have paired... with each other."

A smaller, miscolored, defective chrysoberyl gathered beside the brown gem. "I-Is that bad, Kato?"

He was grabbed by his gem eye and held in the air. B31 scowled. "How isn't it? You stupid mistake of nature. They are batteries, fueling eachother could only lead to corruption. He need to split. Them. Up."

W31 gulped and stared at his superior. "M-maybe you could try seducing one of them to fuse with you. If it is the way of the diamonds, of course." W31 was dropped roughly and scrambled to stand on it's default position.

B31's scowl slowly turned into a thoughtful grin as she pressed a claw to her chin. "That's a wonderful idea, Bartholomew. I'm glad I thought of it... I shall seduce the stronger battery for not only their own sake, but the sake of all gems everywhere." B31 pounded her desk again. She sighed not too long after. " much for saving myself for when we meet that pink quartz lady, huh?"

W31 winced. "B-bartholomew, ma'am?"

B31's grin split her face. "Bartholomew. You know, mew." B31 pawed the air.

W31 flinched and struggled to make an amused expression. "Very good, ma'am. Earth must be an amusing planet for you to-" In a second a claw was pressed against W31's pale blue gem.

B31 was growling. "Don't you dare think for a second I care for that miserable chunk of dirt or it's alien inhabitants. Felines are just an interesting species, no matter how few exsist."

W31 stayed completely still until the claw was lifted away from his face. "I do not underestimate you ma'am."


Rows upon rows of moonstone and sunstone stood in front of B31, the equivalent of a general. W31, an exact miscolored copy but with shorter hair stood meekly by her side.

Defective, S categorized But still functional. Side by side, moonstone S and sunstone S stood, watching the chrysoberyl. The gem stood tall, professional and grinning confidently on the platform at least ten times as big as they, she was no doubt one of their superiors.

Moonstone and sunstone alike had no idea why they were gathered. All of them except Moonstone S knew better than to question any order. Even Sunstone S didn't think about it, but if there were going to be a gathering moonstone S usually heard the pearls gossip about it.

Moonstone S's superior was talking, but moonstone was still as she thought. Chrysoberyl started to sound angry, so moonstone decidedly snapped out of it.

"S!" The chrysoberyl shouted.

Moonstone S jolted up and quickly walked forward. She was grabbed and pulled close to B31. The chrysoberyl's grin didn't falter. "Usually," their superior started "I demonstrate this technique with my counterpart W31. Today, I will demonstrate with Moonstone S for efficiency purposes. You will learn fusion and how to use it in battle."

Moonstone stiffened and could only obey what the other gem told her to do. They danced, they fused, AND BOY, DID BILL LOVE THAT!

"This is kinda fun." Half of Pyrite said, burning down a park that reminded him too much, too much of home. They laughed maniacally, together.

Together they ignored the screams of children and parents and everybody.

Together, they swatted fire trucks away with a wicked satisfaction.

Together they were unstoppable.


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