Chapter 9

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Sodalite smiled and almost squeed in delight. "Now, do you think you guys will be good to dance?"

Mabel smiled. "Heck yeah! We're gonna look and be so cool! Right Dipper?" She punched her brother lightheartedly. He didn't answer and was looking to the floor shyly. "I said, right Dipper?" She started poking him, earning no reaction.

"I just... don't want to? I guess?" Dipper said, pulling the bill of his hat down, his sword and sheild poofing out of existence.

Mabel grabbed his hands and bounced. "Come on, it will be fun!"

"Well, shouldn't we like, practice with our weapons before we get all dance crazy?" Dipper laughed nervously as he moved his hands out of his sister's grip.

Sodalite coughed. "Of course, heh. Whoopsies. Guess I got carried away in my excitement." She pulled her small gun from her gem. "Lune, I'm going to need you to go inside while I teach Solana about her crossbow. As for you, bring a sword from my display when it's your turn, okay?"

Dipper nodded in understanding and made his way inside.


Dipper kinda just sat there feeling... useless. Not that he was ever useful. He studied a sword he had picked as these thoughts started to meld into his mind. Thinking about it, he came to realise he was useless. He literally could be replaced by anyone and the things he does will still get done.

He sighed externally. "Lune?" Sodalite's voice interrupted his sulking. "Lune, is there something wrong?" She came closer to sit by the (seemingly) younger gem.

Dipper only huffed before running his hands along the sword, carefully avoiding the blade. "Nah, it's nothing. Just a bit of parnoia. I just tend to be unsettled easily. That's all."

Although she knew there was something more, Sodalite didn't push it. She took his hat and ruffled his hair, moving it up so his gem can be shown. "If you say so, Lune. I'm going to go back to Solana, I don't want to sense anymore unease, ok?"

Dipper's cheeks felt warm as he brushed his bangs down. "Yeah, okay Sodalite. I- I'll try."

She left (with his hat, although Dipper didn't notice) and he hummed happily. It was only a few moments until he heard happy screaming from the backyard along with giggles and the occasional "I am the god of destruction!" from Mabel. He smiled and got up, sword in hand as he happily bounded towards the back door. He peeked through to see what exactly was happening.

Mabel was running around, shooting at holotargets and trees. He smiled warmly and thought about joining them. (Well, if watching from a closer distance counted as 'joining'.) Ultimately, he didn't and did what he was told and waited inside for his turn. He knew Sodalite would never get mad if he joined, but he stayed inside just in case.

What was he thinking about before? Wait. Oh, right. He sighed as he retured to his seat and looked for something else to think about. For starters, the ceiling fan was unnervingly shakey. There was also a few empty places on a small display with bubbles containing... gems? He looked to the window. Huh, Bill was tapping on the glass. He looked back to the sword display and looked at the different rapiers and longswords and swords he didn't- wait.

He felt his hair stand on end and his eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "Bill?" He said in a quiet, high pitched voice.

The one eyed gem waved through the window with a large smile that screamed friendship. (Tried to, anyways.) Dipper scampered towards the door and seen his sister and new mentor continue playing. He ran back to the window and opened it. "Hey, kid. As a gentleman it's my duty to apologize for not being able to save you. Really. You still get a save, moonie."

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