chapter 2

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With the lights dimmed, and it's dark colors, the Bot blended in perfectly with the night.
Even in it's robot form, it would be hard to see, weaving amongst the trees.
"It is fortunate that I had the foresight to peruse my creator's old databases. I would not have this base for us otherwise."
The bot's passenger was silent, his face only displaying a blank, tired look.
The Bot's eerie face only frowned.
"Hmmm..... Not as talkative as usual.... No matter, a simple fix. After all, I went through all this trouble, I may as well get all your skills.... Now, if my creator was not mistaken- A-HA!"
Buried deeply in the wooded area, a large, rundown warehouse sat in the clearing.
Vines crept up the walls, dirt caked the metal panels, and spray painted profanities sprawled sporadically across its surface.
The bot grinned, approaching the door as it looked down at it's passenger.
"Tell me, Cody Burns. Have you ever heard of M.E.C.H?"
"And that should be about it, Sir."
Heatwave nervously faced the monitor, the screen on call with Optimus.
"With all due respect, going to our new assignments at this time is completely -"
"Out of the question."
Heatwave was a bit surprised, as Optimus nodded gravely.
"Understood, Heatwave. This is a dire emergency."
"E-exactly, sir."
Optimus looked at him with grave understanding.
"You are fulfilling your duty as rescue bots. I couldn't possibly ask anything else."
"I.... I failed my duty. I was supposed to protect him, but...."
Optimus's optics softened, and his tone grew gentle.
"You have done all you can. I.... I know Cody means a great deal to you. I have no doubt you did everything within your power for that boy."
Heatwave froze, then sighed.
"Not enough.... Not enough...."
Optimus looked like he wanted to protest, but before he could get the words out, another voice caught both of them off guard.
"Oh, Optimus! Good, you're still on."
Charlie walked in, and Heatwave straightened up.
"Chief, I just filled Optimus in on the situation."
Optimus looked like he wanted to say something else, but nodded.
"Chief Burns, I understand the severity and time sensitivity of this rescue. Rest assured, your son will be reunited to his family. I myself will be there shortly, I wish to aid to the search as well."
Both Charlie and Heatwave sputtered a bit at that, shocked.
Heatwave braved, "Sir, are you sure-"
Optimus cut him off, a small smile on his features.
"Cody Burns is a remarkable young man. He has guided you quite well, helped you embrace this planet. He has even guided me on occasion. It is only right to be present in his hour of need."
Charlie's expression was earnest.
".... Optimus.... I cannot thank you enough."
Optimus grew serious again, addressing Charlie.
"Chief Burns, I ask your permission to bring in two contacts of mine. One of them, you are already well aquatinted with. They are.... Old friends, and I believe their skill sets may contribute in locating Cody."
Charlie nodded, replying,
"Of course! By all means, this mission is all hands on deck. We could use all the help we can get."
"Excellent, I will make arrangements at once."
Charlie called out, and suddenly looked sheepish.
".... Optimus, you've already done lot for us, but....."
"Chief Burns, if there is something else I can do to contribute to this mission, please name it."
Charlie took a deep breath, and flushed a bit.
"..... Would you be willing to give one more person a ride?"
While the old security system was long defunct, the doors held firm.
But, with the proper approach, they easily opened, giving way to the AI tapping into the old software.
From there, it was all too easy.
The old facility, long abandoned, was still perfectly usable.
A large row of monitors lined one of the walls. Thick dust covered old storage lockers, spiderwebs hung in corners, and across rusting tables.
"Dear boy, my Creator made many.... Unsavory allies. He sold weapons to many people, those your family would call terrorists. One such organization was a repeat customer. They're long gone now, crushed by their own leader. But this had little effect on my creator. He merely... Took the opportunity that presented itself."
It walked over to the monitors, and pressed a metal hand against it.
After a few seconds of concentration, the screens lit up, and the bot smirked.
"As do I now. Yes.... This will do quite nicely, for the time being....."
It looked down at it's silent passenger, absently listening to everything, an intense focus in his eyes.
"Hmm.... First order of business, then. While Madeline Pinch's technology is quite useful, It's not without flaws. Neural rewiring is a tricky business, you see. While this phone does guarantee obedience, it's a rather large hamper on motor reflexes, and natural autonomy. But don't you worry, dear boy. Don't you worry.... I have... An idea."
Yes..... It would all work out.
It kneeled down, and the chest hatch opened.
It almost chuckled, not even having to tell the boy to grab the phone off the console, he was just naturally inclined to.
He'd truly made the best call.
Those fools.
Those fools. Not realizing what they'd had until it was far too late.
M.EC.H. Madeline Pinch. It's own creator. All had fallen, and for the same reason.
Not seeing the value of those in front of them.
"Cody, take inventory. I require supplies, and if we can't find what's needed here, we'll have to go to the nearest town."
Cody walked off at once, and the Bot turned back to the screens.
"Now.... As for those schematics.."
"Who do you think Optimus's contacts are?"
Graham shrugged, glancing over at Dani.
"I'm not sure. I knew the Autobots had government ties, that's how they contacted dad about stationing the Bots here in the first place. He could be bringing in anybody."
Dani nodded, then adjusted her position against the wall.
"We could be getting James Bond, for all we know."
Graham chuckled, then smirked over at Dani.
"Or Austin Powers."
"Or Captain Picard."
"Darth Vader."
"Tony Stark."
"Bruce Wayne."
"Hmm.... Robocop."
"Inspector Gadget."
Both burst out laughing, then suddenly Graham straighted up, pointing out at the driveway.
"Oh, look!"
Dani raced over to the firehouse entrance, hollering,
Optimus Prime rolled into the firehouse driveway, followed by a familiar yellow Camero.
Blades peeked his head out, then came rushing outside.
Optimus's doors flew open, and out stepped two people, followed by another exiting Bumblebee.
The team all filed out of the firehouse, and Charlie beamed.
"WOODY! Oh thank goodness..."
Charlie looked over at Optimus, gratitude filling his face.
"Optimus... Thank you, so much."
The prime only smiled back.
"I understand the importance of having your family together at a time such as this, Chief Burns."
Woodrow rubbed his hands together, yelling out, "LET'S SAVE MY NEPHEW!!! LET'S KICK SOME ROBOT BOOTY!!!"
Suddenly, he froze, and looked around sheepishly at the Cybertronians.
"Uh, heh, no offense..."
Chase, coming up besides Charlie, merely looked at him blankly.
"None taken."
With that Optimus motioned to the two newcomers, everyone gathering around for the introductions.
The first was an older man. He had some grey in his hair, and a bit of a gut popped out of his formal suit.
But, it didn't take away from the air of authority coming off him.
The second, a younger man, very early twenties at most.
He had wild red hair, glasses, a sweater vest, jeans, and a long brown overcoat.
He seemed a bit nervous, but also confident.
Optimus pointed at the two, and both he and Bumblebee smiled a bit.
"Rescue Force Sigma 17, I would like to introduce two old friends. This is Special Agent William Fowler, and Special Agent Rafael Esquivel."
Agent Fowler whipped out a badge, walking forward with a stoic look.
"Chief Burns, it's been a while."
Charlie nodded, saying formally, "Agent Fowler, it's nice to see you again. Although, I wish it could be under better terms."
Fowler walked up, patting his shoulder sympathetically.
"Don't worry, Charlie. We'll get your boy back. I've been at it a long time, with these bots. Nothing on this world or any other can shake me at this point."
Charlie gave him a dry look.
"Not even mind control?"
"..... Okay, that's a new one...."
The AI moor-Bot leaned over a metal countertop, dragged before the monitors.
Sparks flew as the new schematics slowly came to life.
It was beautiful, truly.
"You should feel grateful, Cody Burns. For I see what they never could."
The bot glanced over, where Cody lay silently on a cot salvaged from the old lockers, his eyes closed.
Ah, yes, it'd nearly forgotten. Humans had such odd needs. Sleep, nutrition, truly an inconvenience.
Well, no matter.
It turned again to it's project, making a few more delicate touches, before turning to the monitors.
"Engage documentation of Cybertronian interpersonal relations."
The screen lit up with footage and audio taken from the Griffin Rock archives, and it landed on one file in particular.
"Ah, yes, the Firebot. He was always your favorite, was he not?"
Reservoir Surveillance Log 1001984
There was a clear shot of the boy and the Firebot walking around the area, evidently talking to one another. The footage had no audio, but it didn't require it.
The two appeared to joke around, the Firebot smirking as the boy waved his arms about, a confident look on his face.
Suddenly, the Firebot leaned over, a finger gently tousling his blonde hair.
The boy instantly went to fix it, and now appeared to be yelling, but his grin only got bigger, and the Firebot laughed.
The Bot watched intently, frowning slightly.
".... Curious...."
Many of the other logs were more of the same.
In the air with the helicopter, on patrol with the policebot, but most of all, practically glued to the Firebot.
But one caught it's attention.
Town Square Surveillance Log 102007
This lacked the lightheartedness of so many of the other logs, once again having no audio.
The rescue team raced about frantically, and the camera focused on the eldest of the Burns Children, the firefighter.
Suddenly, the boy ran into frame, frantically waving about a tablet.
The firefighter brushed him off, looking angry at the interruption. But just as he started to spill some rather heated looking remarks, an explosion rocked the scene.
The bot stared deeply at the logs, having one primary thought.
"... They squandered you, Cody Burns. Pushed you aside, forgot you. Even my creator couldn't see your true merit. Couldn't see how heavily they all depend on the one they cast aside."
The bot stared again at the logs, and landed again on the Firebot.
".... Well.... I suppose one did...."
"Please tell your Firebot thank you, for his suggestion."
It's own words came back to it now.
It gazed once more at the screens, then slowly left the counter.
It stomped over to the sleeping boy, and ever so gently, leaned over.
A hand reached out, and tousled Cody's hair, exactly as the Firebot had done.
The boy had no response.
It went back to the counter, the logs cutting away as the schematics popped back up.
Truly, it did need to thank the Firebot.
For now, it knew how to be better.
It knew how to destroy them all.

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