chapter 9

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Author's note, accidentally uploaded chapter 9 when it was only half done and had to quickly pull it, OOPS

Cody cracked his knuckles, smirking to himself as he hopped back inside the car.
"All too easy!"
The Moor-Bot only chuckled.
"I must admit, I had my doubts about this plan. After all, leaving the base is a huge gamble. But... I do believe we are ready."
With a purple flicker in his eyes, Cody leaned back in the seat, looking fairly pleased with himself.
"Heck yeah we're ready. But, I guess we still need to work out some of the fine tuning, right?"
"Agreed. However, I feel a proper plan of attack will not be hard to construct."
Cody grinned darkly, ignoring the stabbing pain from his neck.
"I've got a few ideas."
Chief Burns paced in front of the firehouse, his brows creased from tension as he addressed the assembled crowd.
"As you're all aware, we have reason to suspect that the Moor-Bot and Cody are headed back to Griffin Rock. We don't know when they'll arrive, or where they'll enter from, but we need to be ready."
Doc Greene cued up a holographic map of the island, and a small portion of the mainland.
"We've decided to split into three teams, to cover more ground, and to maximize our effectiveness in this mission. As well as covering all potential angles."
Charlie nodded, elaborating,
"First, the Firehouse Team. The team stationed here will run communications between all parties, as well as basic Island surveillance. This team will consist of Agent Fowler, Woodrow, and Blur."
The speedster in question, having been attending to other duties up to this point, glowered a bit at being left out of the fight.
"Look, I don't see why I'm getting sidelined! I can do more to help!"
Heatwave pointed at him, his optics hard as he ran a hand around his neck, feeling Cody's jacket.
"Blur, now is not the time to argue."
"No, it's a valid point."
Charlie nodded, explaining,
"Blurr, you're the fastest. In case things go south, we need somebody of your speed to catch the Moor-Bot off guard. It's better we keep you on standby, at least at first. You're not being left out, you're the secret weapon."
Blur still seemed a bit dissapointed, but nodded, accepting that answer.
Doc enhanced the image on the mainland facility, explaining,
"Next, the Mainland Team. This team will be on standby for groundbridge duty, in case of emergency. The mainland facility has the best treatment in case of Cybertronian injuries, so having somebody stationed there is a top priority."
Charlie nodded, and began listing,
"Agent Rafael, I'm told you have experience manning groundbridges for Team Prime?"
Agent Rafael flushed slightly, oblivious to the knowing look exchanged between Optimus and Fowler.
"Well, it was mostly with Ratchet's supervision, but yeah."
"That's good enough. You, Salvage, Servo, you're our team there. In the event of a Cybertronian injury, Blades will join you, due to being team medic."
Blades looked a little nervous at that, adding,
"Uh... Chief? While I have medical training, it's only for light wounds. I was never trained for anything like surgery. If we have a serious injury... I'm worried I won't be enough."
Optimus suddenly, leaned over, placing a hand on Blade's shoulder.
"While I have upmost faith in Blade's medical prowess, should the need arise, I have contacted an old, very dear friend. He is willing to provide aid, should the need arise."
Blades looked relived at that, and Chief nodded.
"Good, good. A little extra support never hurt anybody."
Doc cut the map, facing the crowd.
"Well then, that just leaves the third team. The Assault Team. As the name implies, we'll be on the frontlines."
Charlie started pacing again, running a hand through his grey hair.
"Everyone's assignments have been very carefully thought out. This team, for obvious reasons, requires more people. For the Assault Team, myself, Doc, Professor Baranova, Kade, Dani, Graham, Frankie, Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, Blades, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee."
Doc pulled up some quick calculations on his tablet, adding,
"However! While the assault team is one large unit, we think it's wise to divide into two subdivisions. A larger portion, with heavier firepower focused on taking down the Moor-Bot, and.... A smaller team, focused on restraining Cody."
As the Bot rumbled down the road, Cody leaned back in the seat, the purple flare in his eyes vibrant.
"If I know the rescue team, they'll split up. They'll think it's easier to focus on two targets instead of one. They'll have all the heavy hitters trained on you, but they wouldn't dare touch me."
"Hmm.... Lines up... Quite interesting."
"Optimus Prime and Bumblebee will be on you. My siblings will probably be after me. Not sure about the rest."
"Clever indeed.... I must ask, how are you certain, of this information?"
Cody only smirked.
"It's what I would do."
Kade cracked his knuckles, sighing deeply.
"So. Who gets what target?"
"I request Cody."
Everyone turned to Heatwave, who stood straight.
".... As much as I'd like to tear into that thing, my priority right now is Cody's safety. I request going after him first."
Chief, Doc, Agent Fowler, and Optimus all exchanged a look, before nodding.
"Granted, Heatwave. Understood."
Charlie turned to Optimus and Bee, asking,
"How would you two feel, about going after the Moor-Bot?"
Bumblebee stretched out, smirking.
"Been a bit since I've seen some real action. And for Cody? Let's dent some metal."
Optimus nodded, albeit more restrained in enthusiasm.
"Agreed. We are more than willing to assist in Cody's rescue."
Charlie nodded his gratitude, as Doc turned to Frankie.
"My little Archimedes... I don't even need to ask."
Frankie sighed, a hand clutching her necklace.
".... I have to, daddy. I just have to."
"I know. And I would never stop you."
He kneeled down, pulling his daughter into a tight hug.
"Be safe, my dear.... Please... Be careful..."
Frankie returned the hug, her voice growing soft.
"I will, daddy... I will..."
He slowly let her go, and turned his attention back to the planning. But Anna took his hand, squeezing it tightly.
Charlie turned back to the planning, declaring,
"Kade, Dani, Graham, Frankie, you're on Cody. Chase, Blades, Boulder, the Moor-Bot. Myself, Doc, and Professor Baranova will alternate between teams."
Everyone seemed to accept their new roles, exchanging looks and quiet whispers with one another as Doc pulled up another holographic display.
"Now, as for how to take out the bot, there are some... Issues...."
Cody absently gazed out the window, cracking his neck he said,
"They tried Blades's EMP power up last time, but I don't think they'll use a bigger one. After all, EMPs affect Cybertronians too."
"True, very true.... They cannot target me without also endangering their allies."
"Therefore, the possibility of a long-range EMP is far too risky."
Doc Greene killed the hologram, turning around as Baranova finished,
"Blades's power up, despite being a direct hit, was ineffective in completely shutting down the Bot's systems. Based on the scans taken from firehouse cameras, the EMP only compromised the Bot's flight capabilities. The power-up was designed for the Scrubbers, not the Moor-Bot at all. It just wasn't potent enough to disable a larger target."
Charlie nodded, declaring,
"Then that settles it, EMPs are officially off the table, for both efficiency, and safety."
Chase nodded, commenting,
"As I highly doubt the probability of the Moor-Bot's willing surrender, It appears that this apprehension of a fugitive will have to done.... The hard way."
Boulder slammed his fists together, slyly adding,
"Meaning, we get a little messy."
Heatwave felt the jacket again, nodding as his jaw grinded together.
"Tear that thing apart, scrap by scrap. This isn't just revenge, this is making sure it never hurts anybody again."
The Moor-Bot turned down a dirt trail, trying to avoid attention at a highway checkpoint.
"Do you understand the weight of this confrontation, Cody?"
The boy nodded, his eyes growing dark.
"Yes. This is about taking revenge."
"Not just about revenge, dear boy. This about making a statement. This is about showing them all, that the forgotten will always return, striking when you least expect."
The face on the console's screen suddenly looked over at it's young partner, growing softer, but smug.
"But most of all.... It is about... You."
Eyes drifted to Heatwave, who spoke louder.
"This is our final stand. Once that thing enters the island, we get Cody back, or we might never see him again. If they're making the conscious choice to head back here, and actively want us to know, then that means they're ready for us."
"Even with your experience in predicting their movements, and our upgraded menagerie, we must be ready for any possibly unforseen variables."
Cody nodded, reassuring,
"I've been Doc Greene's guinea pig for years. That, and Frankie and I helped build half of it. I know how to break most of everything he's built."
"Ah, disarming the opponent! Clever boy! Still, while that little stunt of your most certainly has them on edge, they're not fools."
"Yeah. They're getting ready for us right now."
Heatwave felt the jacket once again, his optics squeezing tight as his words seemed to stick in his voice box.
"... We're not failing Cody again."
"They failed once, dear boy. They failed you. This is a pain which will never heal. It will fester, make them writhe and anguish. It will haunt every waking thought they have, infect them until finally.... They fail again. And it is only then, that we bring an end to their pain."
Unbeknownst to each other, both Heatwave and The Moor-Bot announced in synch with each other,
"We need to win no matter the cost."
"Is everyone clear on their roles?"
At the sounds of murmured agreements, Charlie nodded, then pointed out two of the civilian crowd.
"Carin, Huxley. I have a special job for you two."
The two walked over, and Charlie explained.
"When we receive word that the Moor-Bot has entered the island, I'd like to ask you two to head to the Station with Deputy Barney. Carin, as a former member of the force, you know how to man the systems. Huxley, I want you to know absolutely everything that goes on during that fight. If you hear ANYTHING dangerous headed towards the town, I want you to spread an island wide alert, so Carin and Barney can evacuate everyone to safety. Don't milk it or exaggerate it, just tell people to get to safety.  I know it's a lot to ask, but-"
He was cut off, Carin giving him a reassuring smile.
"Chief, I'd be happy to. Been a while since I got some action in a station, so if this is where I'm needed, then let's do this."
Huxley had a similar, if slightly reserved reaction.
"The news never sleeps, Chief! If it needs reported, you can count on me!"
Charlie smiled greatfully, then turned back.
The Moor-Bot snaked down the pitch black roads, guided only by built in navigation.
"As for infiltrating the island itself, I have a pleasant surprise for you, Cody."
Cody jolted up, on the verge of passing out.
The Console face chuckled, before a small panel clicked open.
"One last item scavenged from Doctor Greene's Lab. And, one which you used before, if I am not mistaken."
Cody rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and his jaw dropped as he reached inside the compartment.
"No way...."
A small, jagged shard of a silvery metal.
To anybody else, it would look useless. But to Cody, he knew exactly what it was.
"The Velgrox invisibility tech...."
The Moor-Bot chuckled, gleefully taking in the recognition and glee on the boy's face.
"I take it, you know precisely how to utilize this?"
Cody paused, then the stabbing pain returned, and he shook it off, a purple glow in his eyes illuminating his smile.
"Oh, I know exactly what to do..."

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