Chapter 25

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(Quick Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, guys! Bit of writers block gem fused with mental junk, heh)

Cody felt confusion bubbling up inside, which leaked into his expression.
Kade nodded, trying to choke back his nerves.
His heart was threatening to beat through his chest, his lungs practically drowning from the pooling guilt and fear.
But he had to be here.
He had to do this.
He had to make amends.
Frankie scooted her chair back some as Kade strode up, a soft breath escaping his lips as he came to his knees, his hands gripping the bed's railing.
"... Yeah... We need to talk. We've needed to talk for a long time."
Cody's face morphed into suspicion, and Kade felt another pang of guilt.
"What? And why? You didn't seem so eager to talk to me before."
"... I know. It was real dumb of me, okay? I... I really need to fix that. I need to fix... A lot of things."
Cody only scoffed, and Kade felt his blood chill at the cold look in his eyes.
"So what, you want to fix me? Because I'm some broken toy that you can just repair and move on?"
Oh god.
The sharp tone, his narrowed eyes.
It was just like the tunnel.
"That's always how it is, isn't it? You. Never. Listen!!!"
Memories of the past encounter rang in his ears, his hand involuntarily going to his forehead, feeling the bandages left from the first encounter.
As his breath tightened, Frankie shot Cody a pointed look, and he paused.
She motioned to Kade, then mimed taking a deep breath, as if telling him to calm down.
Bitterness clawed at him, but he forced air through his lungs, and tried to let it fade.
Kade shook his head, as if trying to force the thoughts out.
Cody sighed, feeling something pang at him.
"... Kade... I'm-"
"You're right."
Cody's eyes widened.
"... What?"
Kade's hand drifted from his forehead, his eyes expressing something...
"... You're right... And you always were. Cody... We took you for granted. I took you for granted. And my biggest failure as your brother is waiting until you got taken away from us to realize it."
Cody had no words.
"... I..."
His breath seemed to freeze in his lungs, his brain struggling to process the words coming from Kade.
Kade slowly reached over, then pulled Cody into a hug.
His grip was tight, Kade could feel Cody's heartbeat, which brought him some comfort.
Cody was stunned.
Wasn't what he'd been expecting.
It was as Kade began to shake, his eyes wet as sobs bubbled up.
It was all draining out, now.
Kade couldn't keep up his facade, shaking and sobbing as he gripped Cody like a vice.
"I'm sorry...."
Cody couldn't respond.
All he could do was slowly reach up, his arms around Kade's back as his eyes burned.
... Was this actually happening?
Kade pulled away, adjusting his arms as he tightened his grip around Cody's shoulders, tears pouring from his eyes, his words raw. 
"Listen. I was a bad brother, okay? I was a real bonehead, and I took you for granted. And yeah, it's beyond messed up that it took KIDNAPPING AND MIND CONTROL to make me realize that. But I promise you... I promise you... Everything is going to be different now. I swear it."
Cody was stunned.
".... Kade..."
"... I know I don't deserve it... But please... Give me another chance."
Cody hesitated, but sighed, his eyes bubbling up with dampness.
"... Okay. Okay."
Kade surged forward, pulling him close once again.
Cody felt... Like a weight had been lifted off him.
Even as Kade held him, he felt light.
Water burned and bubbled through his eyes, and he felt just a little bit lighter.
"Hey, Huxley!"
Huxley paused, from where he'd been loading his cameras into his truck.
"What? I've still got cameras to collect, now that it's all over."
Mayor Lusky made his way towards the reporter, wiping sweat off his brow.
Huxley frowned, his brow raising in confusion as he paused what he was doing, shoving the last camera in.
"Mayor? What do you want?"
Mayor Lusky figited with his hands, clearly uncomfortable under Huxley's gaze.
"Oh, me? Nothing much! Just.. ah.. just a minor question."
The mayor's hand drifted to his famous toupee, the faux combover peeling away from his scalp at the touch of his hands.
"Huxley... Listen... I know Chief Burns had you and Carin listening in on the fight against the Moor-Bot. You... You know the whole story of what happened, don't you?"
Huxley froze.
"... Well... You know me, Mayor. I always know the scoop. It's my duty as a journalist to be informed!"
"Excellent! So... Surely, then, you wouldn't mind telling me what happened, would you?"
Huxley's eyes turned to a sharp glare.
"And why, exactly, do you want to know?"
"Well... I-I... I just feel I should, as Mayor! I understand that this is a ... Somewhat personal matter to the family, but the Moor-Bot posed a public danger! Surely you can understand-"
"Understand what?!?! That you're looking to pry into matters that don't concern you?!"
The disgruntled reporter slammed the van's backdoor closed, turning to face the portly mayor.
"That family was torn apart over what happened!!! Everyone on the island could see it!! What reason could I possibly have to share that with you?!"
The Mayor's face shifted, his features turning sour with a deep scowl.
"Oh, Huxley! Cut the bull, will you? You've NEVER hesitated to exploit the Burnes for a story, no matter how absurd! You once reported on them all being secret Pirates, for crying out loud!! You nearly blew up the island with a fake alien invasion story!! Hell, you once sold them all out for the real Morocco!!"
Huxley flushed, clearing his throat indignantly.
"... I'll admit, not my finest work. But, your point?"
"M-My point?!?!"
Lusky sputtered, his face turning beet red.
"You've sold them out Just as much as I have!! You've stooped lower than ANYBODY else on this whole island, so How DARE you shame me for something you've done just as much?!"
Huxley took a deep breath, then looked aside, his eyes trailing down to the pavement.
"Yes, okay? I have sold them out. But remind me, who exactly authorized the publication of all those stories I published? Yes, alright, I AM a hypocrite! But even hypocrites have some morals. And I will FIRMLY refuse to tell you anything Chief doesn't want getting out. Because I may be a story chasing hypocrite, but at least I'm not the cowardly mayor that didn't lift a finger when this island's longtime protectors lost everything."
Lusky took a step back, as Huxley got closer, a finger pointed at his face.
"Listen. You want to know what happened? The rescue team almost paid with their lives. They put EVERYTHING on the line out there. And that's what it almost cost them."
Huxley started to storm off, but glanced back over his shoulder.
"I've sunk lower than low for a good story, but at least I didn't hide in my office while this entire island rallied together."
With that, Huxley threw open the front door to his van, hopped in, and took off.
Mayor Lusky could only watch, stunned.
It'd been a long time since anybody had been that confrontational with him. 
He watched Huxley's van disappear from view, left alone in the street to think.
He pulled his hand away from his toupee, feeling his other hand unclench from a fist.
.... Huxley was right....
He slumped over, a deep sigh escaping him.
.... Some mayor he was....
A new voice startled him, and he turned abruptly.
"Who in blazes are you?"
Agent Fowler walked up, his face cold as he extended his badge.
"Special Agent William Fowler, United States Government, Cybertronian Affairs Division."
The mayor's jaw dropped.
"... OH."
Fowler rolled his eyes, tucking his badge away.
"We need a word."
A slight knock at the door caught the trio off guard, as Doctor McSwain leaned in.
"Am I... Interrupting?"
Kade pulled away from Cody, clearing his throat as he tried composing himself.
Cody rubbed his eyes, glancing at Frankie.
"Uh... No..."
McSwain eyed him softly, noticing the wet, shocked look in his eyes.
"Cody... There's somebody I'd like you to meet. Is that okay?"
He glanced between Kade and Frankie, who nodded.
"... Sure."
She and stepped inside, and somebody new came into the doorway.
She was a woman about Doctor McSwain's height. She had on an official looking uniform of sorts, a cascade of black curls Falling around her head.
She smiled, waving at him.
"Hi, Cody. I'm Doctor Oliver."
".... Hi..."
Frankie and Kade scooted their chairs some, and Doctor McSwain closed the door.
"Cody, Doctor Oliver here is a Psychologist. She's not from Griffin Rock, but, she was recommended by Agent Fowler."
Doctor Oliver nodded, explaining,
"Let's get the big one out of the way, shall we? I know about Cybertronians. In fact, I've worked with a few!"
Cody's eyes widened, flickering back to the toy.
"Really? How?"
Doctor Oliver smiled, elaborating,
"I'm stationed at Sector E, a special government branch devoted to Cybertronian Affairs."
Frankie nodded, exclaiming,
"Oh! Like Special Agent Fowler and Agent Rafael!"
Cody's brow crinkled in confusion.
".... Who?"
Frankie chuckled, looking embarrassed.
"Oops! Sorry, I forgot you haven't met them yet. Optimus called in two of his old friends to help us find you. Both of them were on the original team prime!!"
"Oh, okay. Cool."
Doctor Oliver nodded, continuing.
"Cody, if it's alright with you, I'd like to talk with you for a while."
He sighed, rubbing the toy, his eyes growing dark.
"... It's because I'm crazy, aren't I? You're here because everyone thinks I'm nuts after what the Virus did to my head."
"No no no! Not at all!"
That Caught Kade's attention, and he whipped around.
"Cody, what? Nobody thinks that, I promise!"
Cody's face soured sour, but he didn't elaborate.
"So... What do you want me to talk about?"
Doctor Oliver sat down, smiling reassuringly.
"Anything you want! I'd just like to ask you a few questions to start, then... What happens next is up to you. You don't have to say anything you're not comfortable with, but if you want to talk, that's what I'm here for."
Cody sighed, then looked down.
His hands reached out, instinctively grabbing Frankie and Kade's hands.
"... Okay."
"Maybe... I do need to talk.. I just... Don't know what's going on with my head... Everything just feels so strange now..."
Doctor Oliver nodded, and Doctor McSwain slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Cody squeezed Frankie and Kade's hands.
"Can they stay here?"
"Of course. We're all here for you, Cody. This is all about what's comfortable for you."
Kade and Frankie slowly turned to look at him, and he held up their hands.
He slowly gazed out, his eyes focused as a long, slow breath escaped him.
"... Where should I start?"

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