Chapter 29

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Heatwave blankly stared out at his palm, his optics latched onto the medal gripped in his fingers.
"Doesn't feel real, does it?"
Blurr walked up, a small, but troubled smile on his face.
Heatwave sighed, running his thumb over the medal, the blue ribbon dangling freely, swaying from the slight breeze.
"... No... Not really. It's... Surreal, you know?"
"Yeah... I'll bet..."
The medal had a circular, star-like outline, with the interior containing a round semicircle sphere, molded after a planet.
Or rather, two.
The semi-circle was split down the middle, half engraved in the image of Earth, and the other half in the image of Cybertron.
He couldn't help but be reminded of a saying from some tv show Blades had been obsessed with...
"... The best of both worlds... Heh..."
"Oh... It's from some show Blades was obsessed with. Dani showed it to him, I think she loved it when she was younger. I never cared, the whole thing about some popstar just seemed weird to me. But, I guess that's one takeaway..."
He guestured to the medal, his bitter smile growing smaller.
"The best of both worlds... Heh... It's... Odd. You know, that's all I wanted, at first."
"What, the tv show?"
Heatwave sighed, turning around.
"... Recognition. Attention. I was mad. Bitter. I could feel rage boiling my fluids every time Kade took the glory, getting his ego bloated for my work during missions. After all, Tin Cans don't need credit, right? .... Primus... Our first night.... I was ready to leave without looking back."
Blurr sighed, that somber smile poking back up.
"... Let me guess."
"... Do I even need to say it?"
"No.. no..."
Heated traced the engraving on the medal, a familiar ache setting into his spark.
"I just wanted to go home... But earth is my home now. I told him that, about a year into staying here."
"Turned you around fast, huh?"
Heatwave chuckled tiredly, Rolling his optics.
"Please, like you're one to talk."
Blurr chuckled back, nodding.
"Yeah... I... I still remember what he told me. It's just always stuck with me, you know?"
"Yeah... Heh... He does that... He does that..."
Blurr absently looked up, his digits twitching.
"... I know you didn't like me, at first. Not many people did, and it's not like I gave anybody any reasons to. I did... A lot, in the early days."
Heatwave was silent, then slowly turned around.
"... He was the only one who never gave up on you, huh?"
"And Salvage. I owe both of them a lot. Primus knows they steered me on the right path."
"... So... What did he say?"
"What did he say? You said he told you something."
Blur met his optics, a softer, reminiscing look.
"... He told me... He knew I'd do the right thing, when it really mattered. And I guess I kinda did. He told me to my face he wasn't giving up on me. I needed that. Because when I was about to leave for Hydrus Four, right when I was about to say "Slag It" and leave you all to deal with the falling satellite, .... I couldn't. Because I just pictured him. I just saw that face... How innocently he told me he believed in me... and that's when I knew what I had to do."
"Real pain in the Aft to have a conscience, huh?"
The two bots chuckled, dark twinges in the humor.
"... I swear... That kid's gotta be a wizard or something. That ain't normal for humans, is it?"
"Trust me, everybody is just as confused as you, heh. Well... Blades had a theory... But that got debunked pretty quickly."
"Well, what was it?"
".... Let's just say Dani had to make new TV watching rules for Blades. If he ever brings up pastel colored horses, Run."
".... What?!"
"Easy, easy..."
Cody's legs shook, threatening to give out from under him.
Doctor McSwain watched intently, frowning slightly.
"Don't push yourself. Your muscles are likey weak from inactivity, as well as nerve damage sustained from the explosion. You should be able to fully walk, but it could take time."
Frankie, watching to the side, cringed from guilt.
Cody gripped the sides of the bed, staring down at his legs.
Though heavily bandaged previously, they'd been removed so Doctor McSwain could examine how the tissue was healing.
The burns from the hoverboard explosion were still red, with sores and healing blisters.
Doctor McSwain hadn't said if they'd scar.
She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.
Instead, she had to be supportive.
"Careful, Cody. Don't force it."
"I... Can do... This..."
Cody gritted his teeth, a low hiss escaping him as he slowly let go of the bed railing, attempting to take a step.
His legs shook, his body teetering slightly as he stood.
"Hey... I think... I think i-"
All three in the room JUMPED at a loud thud against the window, with Doctor McSwain jumping forward and shoving Frankie behind her, brandishing a scalpel from her coat threateningly.
Frankie ran over, and after messing with the locks, threw open the window, cringing as the screen accidentally fell outside, crashing to the ground below.
Heatwave looked embarrassed as he peered inside, smiling awkwardly.
"... Surprise..."
Doctor McSwain groaned, dropping the scalpel as her frame slumped, a large breath escaping her.
"Good Lord... Pro tip, try not to give heart attacks to the ones that treat them."
"Sorry, Doctor."
Frankie couldn't help but giggle, relaxing as she calmed down.
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be busy with the medal stuff."
Heatwave's expression dropped some, and his hand tightened around the medal in his hand.
"Well... I... I wanted to see-"
Doctor McSwain's voice cut in, making both of them turn around sharply.
Cody was collapsed on the floor, his face twisted Into a grimace of pain.
Doctor McSwain imedianty dropped to her knees, helping Cody adjust his position.
"Easy, easy, what happened?"
"... I... I guess I got startled... Lost my balance..."
Heatwave's face dropped, his optics wide.
"Oh primus! Cody, I am so sorry! I.. I didn't mean to scare you..."
Cody gave a pained smile, but it looked forced.
"Hey... It's okay... Glad to see you..."
Doctor McSwain examined Cody's legs, cringing at the sight of a large, freshly burst blister, clear pus oozing out.
"Crap... Okay, hang tight, I need to grab some disinfectant and fresh bandages. Don't move, please."
"I won't... It hurts, anyway."
She nodded, and walked out.
Heatwave leaned in as close as he could.
" Cody... I... I've..."
He tripped over his words, and Cody's smile softened, seeming more genuine.
"Hey... I'm really happy to see you. I... I missed you...."
Heatwave was quiet, then sighed.
"... I missed you, kid... I missed you... Primus... Kid... It broke my spark to think I'd loose you..."
Cody's expression dropped, his eyes dropping to the floor.
"... I almost got you killed... You could've died because of me.."
".... Cody."
Heatwave's tone was soft, but firm.
"Listen to me. That. Was. Not. Your. Fault."
"But -"
"No buts. I knew what I was doing. I knew what the cost was. And I want you to know. I swear with complete sincerity, from the bottom of my Spark, I never once blamed you."
"... Why?"
Heatwave backed up slightly, before reaching inside, stretching his arm as far as he possibly could, but Cody was just ever so slightly out of reach.
Cody looked up, meeting his pleading face.
"... Because I love you, kid."
Cody went silent.
A low, soft breath escaped him, hitching slightly.
".... I love you, too... Which is why I was so scared... I was so scared..."
Frankie walked over, gently touching Cody's back.
Slowly, despite Doctor McSwain's orders, Cody used his arms to push himself forward, and Frankie gently pushed him along, until he could grasp Heatwave's hand.
Heatwave gazed at him, expression breaking, a wild mess of emotions.
"... I've faced death lots of times. It's part of my job. If I die, I died saving somebody. That's my oath. That's my promise. But... I never thought about... I never realized.... I didn't think about what I'd leave behind... I didn't think about leaving you behind."
Heatwave moved his hand, his thumb grazing Cody's chin.
"Promise me one thing, kid."
"... Anything."
"Promise me you won't hold yourself accountable for what myself or anybody else does during rescues."
Cody's eyes widened in surprise, even Frankie looked stunned.
His hand moved to Cody's shoulder, gripping it loosely.
"You can't help everybody. I know that seems harsh, but for right now, you need to focus on you. You're allowed to be sorry about other people. You're allowed to want the best for somebody. We all are. But right now, all you can do is take care of yourself first. Promise me that, Cody. Promise me that."
Cody was quiet, then slowly gave a weak smile, nodding.
"Doctor Oliver and Kade said the same thing, heh. I... I promise."
Heatwave delicately squeezed him, smiling.
"That's all I needed. I was worried about you, kid."
Frankie scoffed, looking at him pointedly.
"Oh please, look who's talking! You're not exactly innocent yourself!"
"Hey, who's getting the intervention here?"
Cody couldn't help the snort that escaped him.
"I mean, she has a point..."
All three shared a laugh, until a knock at the door caught their attention.
Doctor McSwain stood in the doorway, bandages and a small bottle in her hands, eyebrow raised.
"Sorry to break up the moment, but, I just realized something. Cody, do me a favor. Try to stand up."
His brow crinkled in confusion, asking,
"But... I thought you said not to move?"
"I know. But just trust me. Stand up."
Heatwave and Frankie exchanged a confused look, but Cody complied.
Heatwave retracted his arm from the room, and Cody slowly used his arms to push himself up, unable to suppress a low hiss.
"I can move them... But... It hurts..."
Doctor McSwain's eyes widened, and slowly, Frankie got it.
"... Cody... What did you just say?"
"It hurts, probably that blist- .... Wait. Wait wait WAIT."
Frankie's hands covered her mouth, and Heatwave gasped.
Cody couldn't help himself, laughing in disbelief.
"I... I felt it... I can actually feel it!!! I can feel my legs!!"
Doctor McSwain smiled, then poked her head out into the hall.
She popped back in, quickly explaining,
"This is... Incredible... Cody Burns, it looks like the nerves in your legs are making an unnaturally fast recovery."
Cody couldn't help the laughter of disbelief, a grin splitting his face.
His legs hurt, but he didn't care.
He could feel it.
"So that's settled, then?"
Doctor Oliver nodded, and Charlie sighed.
"Sounds right."
"I take it we'll be in his room again?"
"If that works for you."
"It's not about what works for me, it's about what works for him and the family."
"... Then... I guess it's settled."
She nodded, looking down at her notes.
"Then it's officially set. Now that I have the records from your mandated evaluations, we should be all ready for the group session."

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