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In a world of darkness and despair
I stand alone, with a sunflower in my hand
A source of hope
In a stormy world, it dares to stand
The flowers' blooms are bright
Shines on dark nights

The winds may howl, and the rain may pour
But this flower will not falter or bend
Its roots are deep and strong
It will not let the storm break its end

For in the midst of chaos and madness
It reminds me that beauty still exists
That even in the darkest of days
There's a light that always persists

So I'll hold this sunflower in my hand
And wait for the wounds to heal
For I know that in the end
The storm will eventually pass
And a fresh start will be revealed

And as I look at this sunflower
I'm reminded that I too can stand tall
With each passing storm, I will grow stronger
And in the end, I will not fall


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