Chapter 9

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It was a typical morning for Sera as she woke up to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing. She stretched and got out of bed, feeling a little groggy but ready to start her day.

As she was getting ready for school, she couldn't help but think about the strange occurrences that had been happening to her lately. She had a feeling of unease in her stomach but decided to push the thoughts aside and focus on the present.

After getting dressed and having breakfast, Sera grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. She walked to school, taking in the sights and sounds of the neighborhood. The sky was dark and overcast, and the wind was whistling past her ear. Today was already shaping up to be a gloomy day.

She continued walking, and felt like maybe she didn't really get enough sleep last night.

As she walked down the street, she felt a droplet of rain land on her cheek. She looked up at the sky and examined the stormy clouds above her. She groaned to herself and pulled her hood up, but it did little to protect her as the rain began to pick up.

It got worse, and she began to walk faster. She could feel her clothes sticking to her skin, and her hair was plastered to her face. As she got closer to the school she could see other students running for cover, but she had no choice but to keep walking.

She was getting closer to her class now, and the rain was coming down in sheets. She could feel the rain soaking through her clothes, and she knew she was going to be miserable all day.

Just as she was about to give up and turn back, she saw a figure standing under a large tree in the center of campus. As she got closer, she realized it was Tyler. He was completely dry, and he had a small smirk on his face as he looked at her drenched appearance.

"Need a hand?" he asked, holding out his umbrella.

Sera hesitated for a moment, not sure if she wanted to accept his help. But she was so cold and wet, she knew she had no choice. She gratefully took his umbrella and they began to walk together.

"I'm sorry about everything, Tyler. I really haven't been myself lately."

Tyler looked her up and down, and examined the deep bags that had formed under her eyes, maybe he could see how stressed out she was. She knew that her face wasn't going to show the true fear and paranoia she has been struggling through. He couldn't see the sleepless nights and mania that she has endured these past weeks.

Tyler had a guilty look in his eyes, similar to the look in the library that she had taken as 'embarrassment'. Was he embarrassed to be around her? Or was he guilty of something the last time they met? "Oh you know, it's okay. It's really not your fault." He replied, his voice uncomfortable and short, he seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

How could it not be her fault? She couldn't see another explanation besides that she brought this madness upon everyone. No one seems to know what's going on at all.

Sera, just for her own sake, wanted to see if he still had this strange aura about him. She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes, and she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Instantly, she felt the static that she had felt when she touched Saul, but this was very different. The static was much weaker, and the electricity didn't flow into her like it did when Saul had transformed into what she couldn't even begin to explain.

She couldn't understand. If she was imagining all of this, then how can she still feel it in real time? Is this all the true power of her imagination, or is there something more at play here?

She didn't move her hand, still measuring the fleeting small whim of frigid static beneath her fingertips, "what is it that you think isn't my fault?"

Tyler shuffled his feet uncomfortably, holding the umbrella more over her than himself as he tried to put distance between them. Her hand fell to her side. "Oh, I don't know, everyone gets stressed out sometimes."

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