The End

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Thank you all for reading. 

The novel is now finished. 

What you have just read is the first draft of this novel, I wrote 'Draft 1' just based off of my original skeleton plot and only edited as far as to fix grammatical errors. 

I intend to recreate this novel and rewrite the plot in a way that better serves the purpose of the story and brings out many of the skills I've gained as a writer. 

I am so grateful for all the readers who gave this story their time and attention, and I hope that there was at least one moment where this story was able to encapsulate, engage, or excite you. 

There was a large learning curve, as this was my first novel and I didn't have any experience prior to this book, just an interest in writing and many unfinished ideas that predated "Beyond the Veil". 

Thank you. 

The votes, the comments, and everytime I see that someone has added my story to a reading list have been large motivators to continue writing. 

Please feel free to give any advice, complements, and criticisms here. They would be very useful for me to make the necessary changes that I believe that this story needs. I will not be taking down the story for editing so reread at your own pace and enjoy the story. 

Thank you for reading. 

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