Chapter 32

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The morning sun began to cast its gentle light upon the forest clearing where Sera lay. She stirred from her slumber, her eyelids fluttering open as the sunlight shone brightly above her. Her head throbbed with the remnants of pain, and she instinctively reached a hand to her temples, as if trying to hold her thoughts together.

As her vision cleared, Sera realized she was not in her own bed but nestled in a tattered picnic quilt, with a bundle of cloth beneath her head. The green canopy above her offered dappled sunlight, and the rustling leaves seemed to whisper tales of nature's secrets. She was in Shadow Woods. Confusion washed over her as she tried to remember how she had ended up here.

And then, as if on cue, her gaze shifted to the man sitting beside her, leaning against a tree. Saul, an enigmatic force of nature, watched over her with quiet intensity.

Sera couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude and warmth. She sat up slowly, her head still feeling heavy. "Saul," she murmured, her voice hoarse from the events of the night. "What the hell happened?"

Saul turned his gaze toward her, his eyes inscrutable as ever. "You were in pain," he replied simply. "So I brought you here."

Sera's brow furrowed as she tried to piece together the fragments of her memories. "I remember being on the library terrace with Tyler," she said, her voice growing more uncertain. "Is he okay?"

Saul nodded, his expression remaining unreadable. "Tyler is fine." He said briefly, giving nothing away about the events that had transpired after she had fallen unconscious.

Sera's confusion deepened, and a sense of unease settled within her. She sat up and hugged her knees, leaning against a tree. "What happened?"

Saul continued to regard her with those piercing eyes, as if assessing the depths of her soul. "You're safe now," he finally said, his voice steady. "That's all that matters."

Sera wanted to press further, to demand answers about the strange occurrences of the previous night, but something in Saul's demeanor held her back. There was an air of finality about his words, as if he had made a decision that couldn't be questioned.

With a heavy sigh, she decided to let it go for now. She knew better than anyone that Saul wasn't one to reveal his secrets easily. If she was being honest with herself, she would rather just enjoy her time with him rather than attack him with questions that he won't answer. It seemed she had changed a lot from the person she was months ago.

Instead, she chose to focus on the present moment. The forest around them was alive with the sounds of birdsong, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind was a soothing morning song. It was so easy for her to feel at peace in this natural sanctuary, as if the world's troubles had been momentarily lifted from her shoulders.

"Here." Saul said, handing her a lukewarm bottle of water, she took it, offering him a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you." she said softly. "For everything."

Saul inclined his head slightly, acknowledging her words with a nod. There was a rare glimmer of warmth in his eyes, a depth of understanding that spoke of a connection between them that transcended the ordinary.

As she sat enjoying the woods around her, her thoughts went back to Saul. His curt and short responses made her think that there was something on his mind.

"Saul..." She asked, looking him in the eyes, "are you feeling okay?".

Saul's gaze remained steady as he considered her question, as if weighing the words he was about to speak. Finally, he spoke with a sigh, "I'll be fine. I don't want you worrying about me."

Sera stood up and walked over to him and slowly grabbed his hand, placing it softly over her heart. "You can tell me."

Saul's gaze drifted toward the distant gate, his expression growing more serious. "It's a long story, but I'll tell you. Just know that no matter what happens, you're going to be safe. I'll protect you."

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