Chapter 18

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The next day, Sera walked to school early and sat outside the school building with her books and notes spread out on the bench. She had about an hour and a half before her first class and she was going to use this time to study and prepare for an exam she had coming up.

She was engrossed in her studies when she heard footsteps approaching her.

Sera looked up and saw Sam walking towards her. He walked confidently with talented footwork, it felt like he practically floated across the pavement.

Sera sighed internally, she did not want to deal with him right now. She felt bad about the other day, but she also knew she didn't really want to be around him anyway. She'd much rather have spent that time with Saul anyway, even if he spent that time acting like she couldn't handle herself.

"Hey, Sera. I've been trying to catch up with you," he said, flashing his signature sly grin.

Sera looked up, but kept her focus on her work. "Hey, Sam. What's up?" She said simply.

"What happened the other day in the library? You disappeared on me," he said, taking a seat next to her on the bench.

"Sorry about that, something came up." Sera replied, trying to be polite but not engaging in further conversation. She definitely wasn't going to tell him that she was with Saul who was actively telling her not to see him.

Sam leaned in a bit closer, his charismatic demeanor in full force. "I hope it wasn't anything I did. I really enjoy spending time with you, Sera."

Sera felt a bit uncomfortable and scooted away from him a bit. "It's not you, Sam. I'm just really busy with schoolwork right now."

Sam's expression changed to a more serious tone. "Alright, I understand. You've been working so hard, maybe you should take a minute to relax. Come on, walk with me."

Sera agreed, but she felt a bit frustrated. He was a smooth talker, but he was pushy. She might as well talk with him because at this point she wasn't going to be able to get back into her studies.

They got up, and he waited for her to pick up her belongings. They walked over to the railing of the terrace. Sera leaned against the railing, taking deep breaths of the crisp, fresh air. Sam stood beside her, watching her.

"You study too much, you know that?"

Sera glanced at him. "I don't study nearly enough," she replied with a small smile.

"What if you put all this time into it, and it ended up not being worth anything at all?" he said, his eyes meeting hers briefly before looking away.

"Life is always going to have the possibility of amounting to nothing. That doesn't make it not worth living."

Sam said nothing, she wondered if he was thinking about what she said. He lifted up his hand and pointed over into the horizon. "Sera, do you see that?"

"What is it?" Sera asked curiously, she was looking at the sky, but she didn't know what he was pointing to. She moved closer to him to get a better glimpse. She took a step forward, closer to Sam.

Suddenly, she stumbled, her foot slipping. She reached out to grab the railing to catch her fall, but it was too late. She fell backwards, landing painfully on her butt. Sam reached out to grab her arm, in an attempt to catch her.

Sera out a sharp cry of pain as the skin ripped open and exposed the delicate and raw flesh beneath. She clutched her arm, gritting her teeth as she struggled to get back on her feet.

Sam rushes over to her, his face twisted with concern as he tries to help her up. Sera harshly shoved him away, unable to bear the slightest touch.

She stumbled onto her feet, holding her arm close to her chest, trying to ignore the pulsing ache that threatened to overwhelm her.

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