Chapter 26

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Morning light gently filtered through the canopy of leaves as Sera made her way to the forest, her heart light with anticipation. She was going to the forest to ask Saul for answers, but she also found herself just wanting to be near him, just simply to spend time with him.

As she parked next to the wooden spokes, surrounding the sign for Shadow Woods. The rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds added to the serene atmosphere of the early morning.

She walked in the forest confidently, headed in the direction of the familiar clearing. She didn't make it that far before she heard a gentle voice appear from behind her.

"Good morning," Saul greeted her, his voice soft and welcoming.

"Good morning," Sera replied, her eyes sparkling, taking in everything around her. "It's really nice out today."

"It certainly is," Saul agreed, looking around at the peaceful surroundings.

Sera nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She really loved it here.

"I figured you'd come. I have something for you." Saul said, leading them towards the clearing.

Sera was surprised, "how did you know I was going to come?"

"It's Saturday. When you're not in school, you are out investigating. I know that much after all this time." Saul replied.

Despite her being called out, she found it very funny and endearing, she laughed at his remark. "Whatever, Saul. How do you know I didn't just come to be with you?"

Saul turned around and looked at her for a second, he seemed unsure of what to say, before turning back around, passing the last thicket of trees, and entering the clearing.

Next to a rock by the lake she saw a little plastic bag placed on the dirt. He motioned for her to follow, and she sat on the rock and picked up the bag, seeing a wrapped panini from the place on campus she goes with Quinn, and an Arizona iced tea that was still sort of cold, but not really.

"This is so nice of you. You didn't have to do all of this." Sera said, with a flush of pink rising to the tips of her cheeks.

He half shrugged and rustled his hair in an awkward motion. "Well I couldn't make you fresh tea like you did when you hosted me."

Sera smiled, and popped open the drink, taking small sips while they sat by the lake together. They sat there for a while, just enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the forest. The sunlight painted everything in a warm, golden hue, and a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves. It was so beautiful here.

"Do you want some?" Sera asked, holding out half of the panini. He raised an eyebrow, smiled, and put up a hand to politely decline. She shrugged and took a big bite, while he happily watched her enjoy it.

"So do you eat?" Sera asked him, covering her mouth as she was mid- bite.

"I can, but I don't need to." Saul answered. "What things do you like to eat, Sera?"

Sera thought about it for a moment, "it's so hard to decide, there's so many foods I like. I could never pass up a good cheeseburger, but oh- oh I know! There's that Mexican place on Mulberry that has the best street tacos."

Saul listened intently. Sera looked up at him, "what foods do you like- or did you like?"

He replied with a smile, "It sounds like I'm going to have to try these legendary tacos."

Sera laughed, "no seriously!"

"Hmm... Well back when I was younger, things were very different, and our family didn't have a lot of money. My mom would make a lot of potato dishes, and she made oatmeal every morning up until the day she died." Saul said, "I remember the first time I tried a pineapple when I was very young, I remember really liking it."

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