Chapter 23

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Sera went to school this morning, and to the world it seemed like nothing had changed, but to Sera, nothing would ever be the same again.

It was unbelievably refreshing to see the world for what it truly was, unhindered by her own doubts and the lies she had been told. However, there was still more to understand, and Sera intended on finding it out.

She made her way to the library, hoping she might find Tyler there. She had questions for him too and was hoping that Saul hadn't had the chance to tell him to hold back information.

She wasn't sure if he was going to be there. When it was convenient, he would disappear for days at a time, and it didn't occur to anyone that he was even gone. Just another enigma in the strange mysterious universe she had only begun to discover.

However, as she walked into the library, swiped her card, walked past the indoor coffee bar, and peeked behind the dusty library room shelves, there he was.


He looked up and his smile fell when he saw her, "Wow, Sera, what happened to you?"

Sera put her arms protectively around herself, "What do you mean?"

Tyler looked concerned, like he didn't know what he should say. Sera sat down next to him, "I found out everything about ghosts, and Saul told me to come find you to explain everything." Maybe that lie came out of her mouth too easily, however there had been so many lies already that she didn't even feel that guilty.

Tyler was silent for a moment, she wondered if he believed her. He looked at her again, "yeah but... you don't smell like your eyes are open."

Sera had to stifle a laugh, "What do you mean?"

Tyler smiled to match hers, but he looked more confused and unsure than anything else. "So he really didn't tell you anything?"

"Nope." She said simply.

He took a breath, "okay, well... okay so all the spirits and different creatures that you have encountered have all been enticed by your smell."

"My smell." Sera repeated skeptically.

"I don't know how to explain it. It's just an energy thing. Your smell attracts creatures, like moths to a flame."

"So how do I stop it?" Sera asked.

"Well you can't, but it's weird because you wouldn't think you're a medium by your smell. Do you see ghosts?"

"Not entirely." Sera admitted. "But it'd be better for me to know what's out there."

Tyler nodded, "well you open your eyes by spending more time around ghosts. If they're around you often enough, you start to see them."

Sera's eyes widened, "so this is all because I spent time around the two of you?"

He shook his head, "No, not exactly. Both of us expend energy into a human form, if we're using energy then we aren't taking it from the surroundings. Problem is, it's difficult. I doubt it takes much for Saul, but it does take a toll on me sometimes. I wouldn't have enough strength to do it everyday."

"So that's why you're always gone?" Sera confirmed in realization.

"I'm not really gone, I'm here most of the time." Tyler said, leaning further back into his chair.

"So how does that work? Why does it not take a toll on Saul if it takes a toll on you?" Maybe this was a rude question, but she didn't care, she genuinely only asked to understand, not to judge anyone.

"Well..." Tyler started, "It is all based on attachment. I exist here in this library, even if I leave this is still where I draw my energy from, so I don't leave for long. Stronger spirits are attached to more powerful forces."

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