Chapter 1 | Fear & Strength

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---Seydlitz Narration---

Fighting Sirens, and Waging war, that was what we we're created to do, anything besides that is just an afterthought, and a gifted bonus to our lives. Though we are built, and raised to fight, It doesn't always mean we enjoy it, and I am one of those who doesn't lust for killing, I do not lust for battle, and I certainly don't find thrills in the idea that someday, I... just as my sister do, will be fighting either Sirens... or perhaps other nations... maybe even both at the same time, and when that day comes my worth will have to be proven, I will have to step to the plat, and show my strength, else be sunk by those who stand before me as the enemies... to Iron Blood. War has begun between our nation, and Azur Lane... Though we have many allies within many oceans around the globe, I fear that maybe we don't have enough to win this war, that we've awoken three dragons we weren't prepared to awaken... The Royal Navy and Northern Parliament board our oceans... and surround us, whilst Iris Libre is fighting Vichya Dominion for control over their nation...

Meaning France isn't exactly straying away from the possibility of threatening our nation... our home. Despite this... and the lack of ships our nation possesses at this time... Two of my sisters, and a small taskforce of our nations well regarded vessels have been dispatched to assist the Sakura Empire's front in this war with Azur Lane... I am among one of those dispatched to lend aid, Surely High Command knows what they're doing, and have everything planned out, and have made the correct decision in doing so, but yet, I can't shake this feeling that this wasn't the right move... I can't shake the feeling that we should have remained in our own waters... protecting our own nation... A nation surrounded on all sides... on land and in ocean... a nation whose navy is still crippled and low on ships since the humiliating defeat in WWI that stripped us of a navy. To say I am afraid would be an understatement... I am mortified of what may happen in the nation I was born and raised to love. I am scared... and I fear that feeling will only grow as this war prolongs.

It's times like these that I think back to my life... Before KMS Lutzow... Well, I guess she's actually SN Tallin now... Was still around, and we were just enjoying existing... Before the world threw the sirens at our shipyard, and destroyed my ship nearly beyond repair... Before they stripped me of parts to complete her... Originally, I was to be the one sent off to the Soviets... But she was finished first so... They took her instead. I never got to say goodbye... I never got to see here leave, and the only way I'll get to see her again... to get the chance to say goodbye, is on the battlefield as enemies... enemies that our two nations have become.

---Seydlitz Pov---

I hear someone knocking on my sleeping courters door, followed by them speaking muffled from the other side. "Hallöchen *Hey*! Dummy! It's 12Pm! Wake up we've got a big day ahead of us und we can't be lazing around!" My big sister Hipper shouts with her German accent waking me up. I slowly open my eyes, and stare out the port hole window of her ship and let out a sigh seeing we weren't home... and still at sea in the pacific, meaning yet again, this dream I continue to have of being home... continues to be a rapidly dwindling reality that may become unreachable someday... "Hallöchen!!! Are you listening in their!" She shouts again, having not gotten a response. I sit up throwing the covers off me and sitting on the edge of the bedside. "Ja! *German for yeah if you can't tell Imma use German Accents LOL* Ja! I'm up!" I finally respond, clearly sounding tired, and unexcited about getting up... How could I... Only weeks ago I began to walk again, after having been bedridden for years... and being so for so many years left my body weak... and fragile at times to losing out on stamina rather fast. It also doesn't help my ship half of me is half ass built... only enough to be combat operational, so that the government could please my sisters in keeping me a part of the navy...

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