Chapter 15 | After Math

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---The Same Night--- 

---Prinz Eugen Pov---

Sailing around the outskirts of Eagle Unions ports, denied access to dock by the chains of Eagle Unions command, a lack of trust in us after the previous deliberate attack on the nations ports  was to blame of course. That and... Our repeated attempts to ignore the denials to dock so we can see our little brother who's been hospitalized after his battle. It's been a few hours since we all finally dialed down, with constant informational updates from the Iowa class brothers working through the day and so far through the night taking turns to keep us informed of our brothers state and conditions. We've had little time or thought put onto what he's done, and the implications of which, at least until a while ago. Blucher sitting atop the water on my left hugs her shark rigging, closing her eyes, and expressing uncomfortable tension facially. It's clear she's unsure of things. For now I've yet to break the ice with something stupid, or teaseful to my dear sisters, something I do often, is make light heart of things that shouldn't be light hearted, this situation was unique to the fact that it's been exempt of this.

I was at a loose for words. I turn looking to my older sister Hipper, yet flatter chested which I tease of this fact very often. I will not do so at this moment. She seems to be in a different state of mind then Blucher, at least she appears that way based on visual cues. She's relatively calm, considering how she's always the loud and bold type, this was unusual for her. Perhaps it's the situation that's got us all acting out of character... I mean, even Seydlitz was out of character today, he's always been so... Pacifistic, and yet he... I fall short in thought unwilling to think about the fact. I focus on Hipper, who's clearly staring out at Seydlitz ship in port. The ice finally breaks when she spoke. "I've never seen him that passionate about something." I narrow my eyes onto KMS Seydlitz Aka his ship in port. Flying the Azur Lane Flag under the Prussian Flag, and at the dead bottom of that pole, nearly atop the deck of the ship, a Iron Blood/Nazi flag tattered and disrespectfully underkept with dirt and grime covering it.

With most of her face covered by her rigging as she hugged it, Blucher speaks with this clear look of loving worry for our brother. "He showed rage and hatred in his eyes towards mom  (Friedrick Der Grobe)... He said such terrible things about Bismarck... and our home..." The echoes of his words that struck me deepest continue to echo over and over. The thing is, I want to stand by the nations actions like a good sailor... It's my duty as a warship to serve the nation. But every word he said... Every hint of corruption he called out... Was right... It's something all of us knew to be true... Something we all choose to ignore, or over look to remain good ships to the nation that birthed us. None of us had the guts to call out our home, and our higher up's in the navy, nor the flagships...

But of all people to be the first to stand up and call out the corruption... Seydlitz would have been at the bottom of the list for me. And even further down the list, of people who I'd expect to challenge the flagship for... Flagship. Silence falls again, everyone just, thinking deeper, and letting the silence become even deeper. "Do you think they put him up to it?" I ask Hipper, it's just... Hard to believe Seydlitz... Could kill anyone. "It's certainly a possibility... a strong one at that." Hipper answer, in a almost out of it tone, despite having listen, and answered, her heart, and mind wasn't here with us, it was on our brother's condition and well being. "Is Seydlitz in trouble?" Blucher asks Hipper and I from behind her hugged rigging. I glance over at her with a look that simply didn't know the answer. "No... But the nation is..." Hipper answers being the calm bigger sister we honestly needed in the moment.

" Hipper answers being the calm bigger sister we honestly needed in the moment

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---The Next Morning---

---Admiral Hipper Pov---

Finally, after what felt like forever, as the sun was rising onto the port from the horizon to our backs. A group of destroyers combine with their ships, setting sail towards us with there weapons folded back to show a none threatening approach. I slowly bring myself to my feet. Speaking as I do so in a tone of slight annoyance. "Are we gonna be allowed in port now?" Eugen and Blucher stand up, with our weapons/rigging folding back to show no aggression to the young American Destroyers who approached. This destroyer with a girls scout hat, a feather in that hat, yellowish blonde hair, and purple eyes leads the group, and stops in front us, and lays down ground rules before we can enter port.

---Coming Soon... If Your still Interested in the Book of course---

Feel free to check out the other story I'm currently working on in the mean time!

Feel free to check out the other story I'm currently working on in the mean time!

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