Chapter 10 | Intrusive Thoughts

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---One Week Later---

---Belfast Dream---

I get up to get myself a water, and walk through the dorm hallways to reach a fountain, on my walk I spot Seydlitz who's heading back to his room. We both spot each other, and he stops and blushes a little, having a look that told he wanted to say... Or ask me something. "H-Hey Belfast, what are you doing up so late?" He asks making small conversation. I stop in front him and hold up my water cup casually. "Oh... G-Guess I should have guessed by the cup in your hand huh?" He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck a bit, and grows a bit flustered in how he was speaking. He had such a heavy blush going on I genuinely thought he was sick, and running a temp, Instinctively I reach out and place my hand gently on his forehead feeling for a fever. "W-What are you-" "Seydlitz, are you feeling sick? You're face is extremely red." I ask, genuinely worried, this question only seemed to cement the blush further. He lets out a genuine grateful sigh. "Belfast... Can we talk for a moment?" He asks, as though we weren't already. I nod, and he takes my hand off his forehead and gently holds it in his own. "D-Do you like me... A-And I don't mean like as a friend... But like... Like me in a way that you want and wish for something more to be there?" He asks, slowly I grow a blush along my cheeks, as he broke eye contact and stared at the floor beneath us shameful and nervous.

"I guess I shouldn't beat around the bush huh... H-Here goes... Belfast... I-I'm going to be honest, and say I love you... Deeply actually... I thought for a while on this, and for a long time kept mistaking it for the friendship level of love I felt for Enterprise, and my friends on this base... But since you're stood up for me against Kentucky I just... Haven't been able to ignore this feeling inside me that beats, and pumps in my heart, I get all lightheaded around you, and my stomach starts to get all tingly, I feel good, and I can't stop wanting to be around you more and more... I get sad sometimes when I find you're busy... and that I can't hang out with you... I-I know this will probably ruin our friendship.... and make things awkward between us if you don't feel the same... But I don't think I can keep torturing myself.... and remaining silent about this... You mean the world to me right now... I want to make you really happy, and keep trying to find ways to put a smile on your face, over and over again... Because... You always find a way to make me smile, and feel happy when I'm done... I can't remember a time where you've not been there to give me your words of encouragement, take on life, and advice and it not help me and my journey through life... You do so much.... SO much for me, and those on this base... I really want to see you happy... and I'd like to be the one who can put a smile on your face..." He explains bringing his eyes off the ground and locking them with mine. I grow a even stronger blush, and process... think... and consider all the time we've spent together since he'd came onto the base. I feel deep in my heart that I too feel love for him, I always feel so joyful when he smiles, his innocent nature is something I find rare, and inspiring, an Iron Blood who is as gentle that they'd not hurt a fly... Yet so strong, and capable, and determined to stick to their guns and their way of living life... someone who chooses to fight with words, before their fists.

Even right now his look, his expression, and his eyes scream of innocents, and gentle nature... That is what I look for in a commander... and have yet to find it in those I've meet along my journey of life, but have indeed found it in him... I decide on my fate, and smile softly as I step forwards, and gently run a hand up his shoulder, neck, and against the side of his face, and lean in closing my eyes. "B-Belfas-" I interrupt him rather rudely with a kiss to his lips, which he doesn't hesitate at all to put effort back into-

---Belfast Pov---

My alarm clock goes off, ringing about. I slowly sit up and blush hard and hold a hand to my chest feeling my heart thundering in my chest, my stomach felt full of butterflies, and I found myself feeling disappointed to have woken up from that dream... It felt so real, and for a moment I thought it was... Disappointment and shame slowly settles in as I reach overturning off my ringing alarm clock and glance over at a Black and white photo of Me, Miss Enterprise and Seydlitz who was in his maid uniform for that one day standing together on my day off he granted and gave to me. I let out a disappointed sigh, and stand, getting ready for the day.

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