Chapter 11 Rewrite | Love Acquired!

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Update REWRITEN As of 8/5/2023 for a final rewrite!

---Short Chapter---

---One Week Later---

---Seydlitz Pov---

"Are you sure... That were aloud to be in here?" Tallin asks, nervous, I ruffle her hair and chuckle confidently I answer. "No clue! But They didn't stop us from coming in!" I joke around Or was I joking? I scan my eyes over those in the Military/Naval ball room and find everyone was of the Royal Navy, and Eagle Union, Dressed head to toe in beautiful dresses, and the commanders and admiral dressed in handsome suits and tuxedos. I suddenly felt very left out... I just had my Iron Blood Uniform... Which in it's self looks rather much like a sleeveless suit of sorts for casual wearing on a daily bases... But I clearly didn't appear to belong here from a glance... But Tallin was dressed more fancy then I was... However not by that much higher standards. I happen to spot Belfast and Enterprise walking with each other through the room, and smile like a total idiot seeing them. And turn walking towards them.

"I'm going to go hangout with Enty and Bel! You're welcome to join if you'd like." I Inform her, who hadn't seen me split up from her. She nods, and points at the snack bar. "I'll go taste test some snacks while I'm here! So, you'll know where to find me!" She cheers, overcoming her worries in the face of food! Bel and Enty notice me approaching and give a pleasant smile. As I grew closer, I found myself appreciating their outfit and give a pleasant smile of enjoyment. I give a wolf whistle *Sexy Whistle* "Pardon my rude and bluntness! But you gorgeous ladies look absolutely irresistible right now!! I adore the Outfits!" I compliment making the both of them blush rather hard. And grow different smiles of happy self-confidents, "Well thank you Seydlitz~ You're the first man to complement our outfits tonight." Belfast happily cheers, clearly loosened up from her Maid ways for the night... Her voice actually sounded really beautiful without her upholding a maidly tone. I blush a bit hearing it and make that fact known. "Woah! Belfast your voice is really ummm... Damn what's a respectful word... Well, the only word to do it justice is absolutely addicting... Without you being in maid mode." I state, and she blushes even more and expresses embarrassed fluster, glancing away a little.

"Oh cut it out, you're making me blush~" She states, placing a hand gently against the side of her face. I notice Enterprise expressing a little left out jealousy, before she speaks under her breath whilst turning her head away to not be heard. "W-what's wrong with my voice?" She spoke quietly, as if I didn't like it too. I hear it, and Belfast does to. I look Enty right in the eyes and speak without the hintest of shame. I speak with my Inner Eugen side showing, both verbally, and in tone. "Enterprise, your voice melts chocolate and hypnotize even the straightest of women~" Flabbergasted, she breaks into a glowing blush. Utterly at a loss of words, she didn't respond! Almost immediately Belfast reacted with a full blush, and hints of jealousy in her eyes. Aware of what I've done, and having done it on purpose I begin to smile with pride. "There you go tiger! You got her engine started up now!" SMS Seydlitz speaks appearing for only my eyes between me and Belfast as a transparent ghost, he pats me on the back leaning over the bar looking at the fluster on Enterprises face. Across the whole place, other SMS ships begin to appear, sitting in chairs, booths, standing around the bar, and other side of the bar watching with excitement and being respectful about remaining quiet. She finally over comes her fluster, and glances over at me, prior to actually turning her head towards me, she smiles, raises a hand brushing hair out her face, and behind her ear. An speaks whilst facing towards me with this partially flirty look for adventure in her eyes.

"Care to drink with us for a while?" She offers, I was already here, though i don't drink. I felt it was an invitation for something more then just the drinking. Belfast who was out of sight, and behind me was unusually jealous of the compliment given to Enterprise. The words, the tone, and even the way it was presented was clearly me purposely making a small move of potentially many towards picking sides on who I wanted to place my heart into. I like them both, and I know I can't go to both with this heart of mine. I only have one... and only one can take it. Of course, it's at the price of anothers. Not interesting in drinking I get bold, continuing to let the Eugen in me spill out. Instead of accepting the drink offer, I counter with my own offer. "Believe it or not I'm not much of a drinker. So I have to decline, all though, if you were to dance with me for a while... Maybe~ I'd be swung in favor of staying for... Just a few drinks~" Continuing to blush Enterprise shows that she's getting a bit worked up, in a good way to my advances. I'm so painfully clear with my advances this time around.

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