Chapter 12 | D̝͞e̤̕s̝̐p͕̆ė͇r̻͊ą͒t͇͘e̾͟

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---Friedrick Der Große Pov---

---Weeks Later---

"...Woah... So that's the Eagle Union's main base in the Pacific, it's so colorful and full of life!" KMS Prinz Heinrich cheers. "I agree! It looks so beautiful! Do we really have to destroy this place?" KMS Blucher cheers. "I get the feeling the two of you like a little bit of everything." Rn Giulio Cesare states in a observation tone of speaking. "You'd be surprised, she doesn't like Cinnamon rolls oddly..." Admiral Hipper informs our Italian Ally. "Really!?" Giulio asks in shock to that information. "They taste to sweet!" Blucher pleads her case. As I walk between them and prepare for the invasion that would hopefully drawl out Seydlitz... Who has been reported to either be brainwashed into helping Azur Lane... Or has truly gone over the deep end and became a traitor... Something I simply refuse to believe my only son would ever do. And His siblings are with me on that belief. That said, this attack will no doubt drawl him out, and we can hopefully capture and bring him home to fix whatever Azur Lane did to brainwash him. Whilst also making our entry into this war known, and hopefully destroying the main Royal Navy, and Eagle Union fleets in this one decisive battle, whereas the Sakura Empire Totally failed in doing in their attempt long ago... Extending my rigging I aim my 4 twin barreled 406mm cannons on a building amongst the base.

"Is everyone ready to begin?" I ask in a motherly caring tone. Everyone, including those of Sardegna empire nod firmly. Except for Blucher, Hipper, and Eugen. Hipper and Eugen stare out at the dock yard with the same look of fear and worry for their brother... despite this being a battle meant for saving, capturing, and bringing him home. Meanwhile Blucher quickly grew a look of worry, and sadness that she had to fight.... But her want to bring her little brother home was greater than her want to avoid conflict. Finally the three nod extending there rigging. With that I fire my first salvo, and with it everyone else unloads on the island and the port filled with ships... I watch as the shells of mine reach their target and-

---Seydlitz Pov---

Kentucky, Illinois and I put our ships to the absolute limit, having Azured, and combined with our vessels on land, and inside the cafeteria having all three noticed shells racing towards the building through the cafeteria windows. APBC burst through the windows. We scream out. "GET BEHIND US EVERYONE!" To those in the room whilst selflessly throwing ourselves forwards with all the energy and strength we had in us... As walking or moving on land whilst combined with a ship is near impossible for anyone to do! But in the heat of the moment we manage, extending our Cannon rigging out in front us we block the shells from hitting those who race. Behind us aware of their fate if those shells explode without being behind us. The shells scream in, and bash into our many turrets and spin violently against our turrets roof armor. Of which I had not only the thinnest compared to them... But also, of a weaker armor compound being a older ship by a significant margin. Whilst they began walking and pushing forwards, to get the shells outside the window before they explode or blast through their armor. I became the weak link who began sliding atop my boots slowly back towards those behind me... Which scared not only those behind me... But me as well...

"D-DAMNIIIIIIIIIT! COOOOOOOOME OOOOOOOOOOON!" I roar out with my eyes flickering into violently glowing red, and glowing yellow... "I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT SON!!! PUSH!!! THE FATE OF THOSE SHIPS BEHIND YOU DEPEND ON IT!!!!" Kaiser and Brandenburg roar out in my head echoing, and the flashing image around me of the whole SMS Fleet pushing against my back and trying to push me forwards repeatedly flashes around in the world. I growl out in anger and close my eyes. My muscles flex in a way they never have before, my veins bulge, and my eyes begin to dilate into a desperate look for strength!!! "COME ON!!!!" I cry out trying to step forwards, but as I do I slip further back fast, and feel my armor beginning to give out, and the shell begins to punch its way through as it emits even more violent amounts of sparks and throws sheds of steel all around the room. I grind further and further back, and people step further and further back behind me till there backed against a wall with nowhere to go. The Shell pierces through my turret armor, but fails to explode, and slams out the other side of my rigging, time slows down and I gasp out letting my eyes dilate further, and I watch as the shell races out the back of my turret at my chest. Reaching in slow motions in front me, I grab ahold of the tip of the spinning shell, and time resumes. The shell spins and spins violently ripping up the skin on my palms and threatening to literally destroy and remove my hands all together as I push and hold onto the shell trying to still push it back with my Hull armor this time!

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