Chapter 9 | Maid For A Day

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---The Next Morning---

---Belfast Pov---

Sitting with Enterprise I warm her up coffee and pour it into a cup and place it in front her, then stand beside the table and her with my hands together in front me in a maid's fashion. Someone stops beside me wearing a Maid outfit like my sister Sheffield wears, and Enterprise looks over at them and grows a startled look of shock and passive cringe. I glance over at them seeing Seydlitz with tan skin rather than the pale skin he always has, with arms that are a little bolder, and muscled up... but only by a subtle amount, brouder shoulders too. He held his hands Infront him as I do with a maidly stance and expression. He glances over at me and speaks. "You may take a seat miss Belfast. I shall serve you and Enterprise today and give you a break for the day~" He speaks in a tone that lacked any pain, wheeze, or anything that hinted at him being deathly ill as he was yesterday. I give a look of worry and he glances back at Vestal who spoke. "I'm unsure how it happened, but after giving him a checkup this morning, he appears to have been cured of his illness! Also, his ship changed overnight somehow... But seeing as he's healthier than he's ever been, I've decided to release him from urgent care." Vestal explains, and I return sight onto him, who passively gestures to take a seat in front Enterprise in a maidly friendly fashion.

"Even the Royal Maids need to relax and have a day off time-to-time Miss Belfast. Please allow me to take care of you and Enterprise for the day, as you have for us so many months." He states professionally spoken like a maid and continuing to gesture to the seat in front Enterprise. I give him a look that told I was happy he was better, but also a look of loving fluster that he wanted to do this. Embarrassing himself in front the whole cafeteria in wearing a maid outfit to give me a day off from my duties. It would be criminal for me to decline his offer. I lean forward towards him and place a kiss on his cheek and sit down in front Enterprise. "If you insist, I shall let you relieve me of my duties if only for today." I state in a casual tone and leaving what I like to call maid mode. "Would you like Tea? Or Coffee Miss Belfast?" He asks, turning to a cart he'd wheeled in with all he needed to make himself. "Tea would be most delightful." I answer, with that he begins to fix it in a kettle on a hot plate *If you don't know what a hot plate is, there's no hope left LOL!*

---2 Hours Later---

"Oh! Enterprise, do try this one on, it'll look beautiful on you!" I cheer being girly and unmaid like with Enterprise on our shopping adventure, holding out a Black Dress to her from the many dresses in the stores selection. Enterprise grows a blush seeing the design of the dress and shakes her head and holds hands in front her waving them. "N-No! I could never wear that!" She protests all flustered I'd suggested that one. "Pardon me Enterprise. But I do believe that dress would look rather stunning on you. I believe you should try it on." Seydlitz speaks in a maidly fashion. Something I'm still not used to, but slowly coming around to. Enterprise having heard Seydlitz would find it nice on her, flustered takes the dress, and looks at him with a look that said she was only doing because he thought it'd look good on her. And went into the dressing room. Whilst we waited for her to try it on, I continued looking for dresses, one for myself. "Miss Belfast, I believe I've found a dress that would look beautiful on you if you're willing to try it on." Seydlitz speaks maidly whilst holding a blue dress. I too find it to look stunning and take it and give him a grateful look. "My! It does look nice! I'll try it on, and have you decide rather it suits me or not." I tell him, ultimately intent on letting him decide if it was good or bad on me.

---7 Hours Later---

---7 Hours Later---

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