Chapter 7 | My Heart It Burns

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---Month Later---

---Enterprise Pov---

"It would appear that we're nearing the Sakura Empire's fleet..." Helena explains, listening to her radar and keeping us updated on the closing distance between our two main fleets. I look around my ships flight deck finding everyone talking with their sisters and getting prepared mentally for the battle ahead. I glare over towards my sister Hornet's ship seeing Cleveland and her sisters aboard the flight deck and lock my eyes for a moment onto my sister sitting inside one of her on deck aircraft cockpits. Then down over the side of my ships deck and onto the waters, at Seydlitz's Battleship which had been heavily modified, repainted to an Azur Lane Paint scheme, and had its hulls repaired and very slightly made more hydro dynamic for a slightly higher top speed, Laffey's and Javelins Destroyers giving my ship escort from the front. "Is something troubling you miss Enterprise?" Belfast asks walking along side me, and glancing over towards me, speaking with a professional maidly tone. I continue to stare down at Seydlitz atop his ship's coning tower. I say nothing, but I to grow a protective, and worried look. She slowly took her eyes off me, and onto Seydlitz seeing that was who I had my eyes trained on she grows a subtle smile. "Concerned for Seydlitz?" She asks bluntly. I nod once with a growing look of worry... Aware that he might be going against his friends today... Why he wanted to come and help in the fight comes off strange to me... He must know he's fighting against those of his nation's allies, and his family in going into this. "Or are you more worried about his reason for insisting on joining the fight?" Belfast asks leaning slowly forwards and giving a playful, yet professional smile. I nod confirming my worries was that. She gestures to look over the edge of my ship between my sister and I's carriers.

I slowly glance over to the Northern Parliament Heavy Cruiser that sails slowly around between Hornet and I's ship and comes slowly alongside Seydlitz's ship. Atop the Cruisers Conning tower stood a woman with hair that was silver or extremely light blue, with a strip of Iron Blood Red in her hair naturally. She had the very same eye color as Seydlitz, and she looked over to him who looked back over at her and gave one another a smile of sibling love. I slowly understand why he's so suddenly decided to fight for Azur Lane... Even if it means he's fighting his friends... "Tallin is a part of the Hipper Class family, she was the last ship of the hipper class to begin construction of, and is Seydlitz little sister that he'd talked about to us... I spoke with her when she arrived on base and began to look for him last night... She was sold off to the Northern Parliament and separated from her sisters, and brother after her completion, and has never been able to reunite with any of them until last night. If I had to guess. Seydlitz feels that he needs to protect and fight alongside his little sister... just as he did his older sister Eugen." Belfast explains, I feel strongly touched that he was able to unite with his little sister again... But at the same time hurt that he might have to end up fighting his older sisters in doing this. "Nice ship! Where'd you get it!?" Tallin shouts over to her older Brother, Seydlitz chuckles and pats his ship. "Would you believe me if I told you I built it myself?" He asks in a joking manner; she laughs at him.

"No I wouldn't!" She teases, clearly aware he didn't. He snaps his fingers in a darn it fashion. "Dang! Well, I can't say I know who built it... I just know I have it now!" He explains to her talking to her in a fashion they seem to talk like he'd known and been around her all his life... despite being separated for so many years. "Haha! Well, whoever built it seems to have done a rather good job! Does this mean you're Scharnhorst little brother now too?" She asks him in a playful tone he shakes his head and cries out playfully distressed. "Oh god! I hope not! Eugen would never let me live it down if it does!" He jokes she laughs heartily. "How's Hipper, Eugen, and Blucher doing anyway!?" Tallin asks in great interest for her older sisters. "When I'm not being totally useless and putting stress on them! Great! Blucher is still a peaceful cinnamon roll, Hipper is still a flaming ice cube, and Eugen is still her flirtatious, seductive teasing self!" He explains to her happily to report such, she snickers. "So, nothing's changed since I've left it seems!" She cheers happy to hear that. "Oh! You know they'll never change!" He jokes around happily. Noticing me as he glanced back over his shoulder looking down at them, he smiles brighter, and turns facing my ship down, and waving energetically.

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