Chapter 8 | Horrendous First Impression

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---Story Arc: Seydlitz II---

----Weeks Later----

---Belfast Pov---

Walking with Enterprise into the cafeteria, we find everyone surrounding two ships, many of them shout about trying to seemingly convince the two ships to turn around, whilst a few breakthroughs the crowd and try to break up a fight before it can continue. I stand beside Enterprise with a hint of curiosity as I stare with her at the crowd, pondering who it was getting into trouble. Enterprise seems to focus on where Seydlitz is always sitting, it's practically his assign seat, and appears to grow this look of worry, mixed with annoyance. She walks at a nearly walk running pace towards the crowd without a word being spoke. I follow her, but at a slightly slower pace, as I took a glance over at where Seydlitz usually sits, seeing a plate of food scattered across the table and food, and the plate flipped completely over. A glass of water shattered on the floor and a puddle of water all over the seat and the floor around the seat. I quickly put two and two together and do my best to hide the very look Enterprise grew, and remain calm and professionally maid like. However, I pick up my pace and match it with Enterprise. As we grew closer to the crowd it became easier to hear those the crowd surrounded. "...That's right! Now KNOW! You're place little Iron blooded shit! *spits on them*" A male voice in there early 20's with a hillbilly accent roars out over the crowd.

"W-Was habe ich überhaupt gemacht...(W-what did I even do?)" Seydlitz struggled out in a voice of weeze, followed with a heavy cough that sounded sickly. "BIG BROTHER!!! *Struggling grunts* GET OFF ME YOU BASTARD!!!" Tallinns voice roars out in worry, and then fruitful rage. Breaking through the crowd, we lay eyes on Tallin being held back and restrained by a male warship of the battleship class, whilst another male battleship of the exact same class as the other stood over top Seydlitz with their cowboy boots pressed atop Seydlitz head as he was weakly atop his hands and knees, drenched from having water poured over him, and with blood dripping down his face and off his busted lip. Pieces of his fatigues stretched and ripped in places. Despite holding up my maidly professional expression, my eyes slowly lost reflective nature, and I began to clench my fists tight to a point I could hear fibers in my body flexing and stretching from my clenching and flexing of my muscles in anger. My patients rapidly deteriorate as the battleship begins to put more pressure onto Seydlitz, and twists and turns his foot atop the back of Seydlitz head. Enterprise herself begins to grow rapidly furious and looks on the verge of going off the deep end in the moment and losing her composure.

"Du wagst es zu fragen, was du getan hast! Nach dem, was du meiner Schwester angetan hast! Ich werde jeden von euch wertlosen Maschinen töten für das, was ihr getan habt! (You dare ask what you've done! After what you're kind did to my sister's! I'll kill everyone of you worthless machines for what you've done!)" The male warship growls out in German with a nasty American accent. Seydlitz slowly begins to push off the ground and forcefully reaches behind himself and takes the boot off his head with a great struggling force. Speaking nothing Seydlitz shoves his boot/foot away from him, throwing the man off balance and stumbling back a few feet, and took that time to get onto his feet. Swaying side to side Seydlitz coughs out blood atop himself. Letting his head hang forwards. "I can understand you're anger Kentucky.. Really... I can... I've got 4 sisters... 3 older then me, and one younger... I really do understand you're pain, I cherish my siblings, and want nothing but the best for them... But you can't walk around, and categorize everyone from the Iron Blood as bad people... or talk and act like every Iron Blood was responsible for what happened to people you love... It's not fair... Some people back at my homeland, have families, children, and loved ones just like you, and your friends here do... That they are fighting to protect, we have no control over what our nation's do, say, and declare war upon, we only can do one thing, and that's fight for our home, and do so with the intent on protecting that home, and all those in it. We don't want to fight, kill, or hurt no more then anyone else... But if we don't do something, we will end up the one's dead... sunk... and when were gone... who's going to protect our home? Our families? Not only from other nations... But from the Sirens as well! Can you not see your mindset is flawed? You're taking this out on me... and you're scaring the life out of my little sister! We've done nothing wrong... To your nation... Or to you and your sisters... I mean-" Seydlitz raises his head, and looks over towards a distressed and worried New Jersey, and smiles weakly.

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