Chapter 6 | Duo Of Comfort

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---Two Week Later---

---4Th Of July---

---Enterprise Pov---

"Wait for me!!! Big sis!!!" Oklahoma shouts lagging behind Neveda, but catching up, I walk with Belfast to sit at a spot that overlooks the port that I'd discovered.... Or more so Laffey and Javelin found. "Hey! W-Why would you do that!" Hammann embarrassed and flustered shouts at my little sister Hornet who teases her. "Ah you know it's just how I show my love!" Hornet jokes around. I grow a soft smile. "Miss Enterprise! Miss Belfast!" A familiar voice shouts from behind us, stopping, and looking over my shoulder I find Seydlitz walk running to catch up whilst waving, and expressing up most joy in seeing us. Once more a subtle smile crosses over my face. "Seydlitz... Making an escape I see." I tease, he slows down beside Belfast and I, letting out a innocent laugh. "Are you ladies going to watch the firework's?!" He asks in a extremely excited fashion. Belfast lets out a soft giggle, and nods. "As a matter fact we are, would you like to join us, if Enterprise doesn't mind you tagging along of course." Belfast offers then looks to me for approval. I calmly nod with a slightly stronger smile. His eyes light up with excitement and he thrusts a fist into the air with excitement.

"AWESOME! This is the first time I'll get to watch fireworks from outside a bedside. This is going to be so cool!!!" He cheers about you could barely tell he was supposed to be a prisoner of war. "Bedside?" I speak in a tone of question. He slowly loses his smile and it goes into a remembrance filled frown. "Yeah... For the majority of my life I was bedridden... My nation stripped me of my ships parts near my ships completion after an attack on the shipyard from sirens left my ship horrendously damaged... and passed those parts onto my little sister... I ended up bedridden, and lost my immune system because of the removal of my ships parts... I came down with what killed IJN Amagi..." He explains, and pauses... then doesn't continue... it sounded like there was a lot more to that story then just what he'd told. I give him a look of understanding to the pains of being bedridden... My older sister is currently bedridden and it's painful watching her lose years worth of moments, and life because of it. "Lets not talk about that right now... Fireworks are way more relaxing to think and talk about! Right!?" He cheers... but now his cheer is completely faked, and it's very apparent that it's such.

---30 Minutes Later---

I stand with Belfast as Seydlitz stood in front of us watching the Fireworks from this vantage point, we too watched, but would occasionally glance down upon him to find his smile remained hopeful, innocent, and unjoyful of the show. "You know... at first I was really scared when you guys captured me, and took me here... Scared everyone would hate me... beat me, and that everyone would be monsters... that the world on the other side was going to be scary and fearsome... But I've yet to see anything that I've feared... come true. Everyone's so nice-" I glance down from the fireworks onto Seydlitz seeing his eyes sparkle crimson in the flash of the fireworks bursting over the star filled night skies, and I slowly grow a look of surprise and partially part open my mouth. "Everyone talks to me like I'm just another ship like them... And I've noticed... that the culture is no different here... then it is back home... In the Iron blood, we all laugh together... Tease each other, mess around with each other, eat together... and fight together... the Sakura Empire is no different... everyone fights for their nation because they love their nation so very much, and truly believe their nation knows what's best, because their nation is their home... the only one they've ever known... and all their friends reside there... family too. That said... I feel like somehow... in this war no one's right... and yet everyone's wrong... Where not fighting to protect anyone... where fighting to ultimately hurt each other... Humanity... Fighting Humanity just doesn't make any sense to me-" He continues whilst slowly closing his eyes and keeping them shut. In the corner of my vision Belfast begins to grow a look of understanding to his words.

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