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Pic of sammy and mark truck.

Mark pov,................

Sammy phone rings, who could this be. I dont recognize this number he says to me.

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! He answers.

I looked at him, hes still looking at me confused.

Yes this is sammy, who am i speaking to. He said. My baby haa always had good manners. I love that so much about him.

Hello tank, how can i help you.

Who the fuck is tank, i thought. My patiece is running thin for whoever the fuck is on my husband phone.

He laughed, are you fucking joking....who is this.

Then afew seconds later he was stuck, just stareing.

Sammy baby, what is it. He didnt answer, i tried again, he still wouldnt.

I grabbed the phone from him.

Who the fuck is this, i asked.

Umm, im tank......sammy brother through our father.

What, your shitting me write.
No, im not sir. Is my brother o.k.

How old are you tank,

Im twenty one. My mom met our father right after sammy mom passed.

I believe he came to my pack in athens and met my mom. They had a thing when he was there, my mom mate had passed too. So when he said he had to leave, because he had a son that needed him she understood, and he left. Few months later she found out she was pregnant with me.

I only found out the teuth when she found out she had cancer, she just past this week.

I just want to meet my brother.

Where are you tank....i just land in new at the waldorf astoria.

Well tank, im sammy mate and husband.

What, hes gay. You have a problem with that tank. I asked him. sir, im bi sexual.

Oh o.k. just checking. Its our anniversary, we are out.

Ill send some one to get you in a hour, what room. Oh six hindred and five.

O.k. see you then. And tank, welcom ro the family.

Thanks mark.................see you soon.


Ummm....everyone, partys over, we have a situation and i need to get my hisband home.

Ummm sandy, can you take nila with you in your car. Ill explain everything when we get there.

Sammy, baby. Can you here me. This news shocked him so much, he is just stareing straight into abiss.

To find out your father had an affair right after his mate passed on, is just crazy. Then you find out you have a brother that niether of them new about.

I knew this was a lost cause. I just slid my arms under his legs and my other arm across his back and carried him to our truck.

He was totally out of it. I sat him in the truck and buckled him in. I walked around the truck to the drivers side, i got in and turned to sammy, a few tears were falling down his cheeks.

I reached over and was about to wiped them, he pushed my hands away.

Dont!!!!!!!!! He yelled. How could he not tell me he was with some woman, and then he got her pregnant.

According to tank, he didnt know about him, until recently...his mom passed of cancer too.

He looked over to me., where is he.

Hes at the waldorf.

I sent for him though, is that ok.

Yeah, if heis who je say he is, then hes my only family, well blood family, anyways, he said wiping the tears from his face.

Wheres nila, he asked me,

Sandy is bringing her, are you going to be o.k. baby.

Yeah, i just need to see him. If he looks at all like me and dad, then he is my brother.

Well hell be here in an hour. Can you walk, or.......

I dont feel like walking can you carry me to our room.

Yeah baby, anything for you.

I got out and walked to his side and opened the door. He throghboth his arms around me and his legs around my waist.

We had our own home built in our first year together, right across from the alphas home. We moved in when we first met.

I can see all the lights in there off but there room. I really dont want to bother them but i dont have a choice.

I walked in the house and walked up the staira, slamming the door behind us, i took him in the ensuite and ateipped all our clothes, i ran a bath for us in our huge Jacuzzi tub. I closed and locked the door and picked sammy back up stepping in the tub with sammy still clinging to me. I sit in the tub, and sammy strattled my lap, causing our man parts to rub each other.

He moaned, but i bit my lip to contain mine. This is not the time to be thinking about sex.

Mark......he whispered.

Yes sammy, i whispered back.

I want to ride you, can i.

Are you sure. Yes, and he lift his...........................................................
Sexual content,

He lift his ass and i grabbed my shaft, but he pushedy hand away and lined my dick to his whole, he slammed on it screaming.

Uh, sammy, why did you do it so hard. Now your going to be in pain for days, and what about our trip.

Ill be o.k., baby. Now shut up and fuck me, nice and hard. And i did. I fucked him till ha was panting my name.

Qe havent had sex sinc e before he collapsed. Thats why i planned the swcond honeymoon.

I released and then pulled out of him......i layed him back against the tub, and took care of his hard on, i had him screaming my name again.

I swallowed his juices, just as sweet as when i firat tasted him.

You ok baby, i asked him, while bathing him and myself.

Yeah, im better then i was, o.k.

We have to get dressed, your brother gone be here in about twenty minutes i said looking at my phonw, he jist nod and stand up so we can exit the tub.

I dried us off and awe got dressed. We walked down stairs just in time for everyone to pile in the house.

Did anyone call the alphas. I asked.

They all said no, its o.k. ill het them.

I appeared in the hall by the twins room, i knocked.

Who is it.......umm, sorry to bother you guys. But there has been a discovery in sammy family, and i think hes going to need you guys.

Everyone is at my house, can you get there in ten minutes i asked them.

Well be there in five, o.k. see you over there.

So everyone is about to meet tank, and it seems that he have money. Wow!!!!!shit just got real.....

Ill update soon.

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