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sammy pov................

i was nervous, scared, excited, angry, and any other emotions you can think of. why would dad do this to me.

he left for two months. no word or nothing. so now im sitting here waiting on a brother that i never knew, and apparently niether have he.

he will walk through that door in five minutes and my life is going to change forever.

everyone was more excited then me. i can see marks worried face grom the corner of my eyes.

i turned my head slightly. so he can see me smile, but it was fake, and he can tell.

sammy, youre not ok with this. he looked at me sadly.

hes my brother, its not his faught dad was not careful....he could of brought that woman home and i would have know my baby brother all his life, and him me.

just then there was a knock and everyone turned to look at me. i sighed and walked to the door.

i paused my hand on the door knob.
well here goes nothing.

i pulled the door open and gasped. it was starein at a carbon copy of my dads younger self..... i stood there my mouth half open.

he smiled and said, sammy!!!!!!!! im so glad i found you.

i was stuck. i felt mark behind me.

tank......come in, it seems your brother is speechless. mark grabbed tank hand and pulled him in.

that snapped me out of my short period of being a idiot.

i turned to my brother, i couldnt hold back the tears and joy of knowing i have a brother.

i through myself at him and huged him until he couldnt breath.

whoa......bro, cant breathe here. i laughed at his playfulness.

sorry........ i said to him. i cant help it. you look so much like him. its going to really take some time to get ise to it.

but dont worry, im not mad at you, im just......

mad at our father!!!!!! he said. i loked at him and nod my head. ueah.

anyways, let me introduce you to everyone. this is my husband mark, you talked to him on the phone.

sup, tank said to mark shaking his hand. i guess we have something big in common, he whispered. to me.

i was confused, what are you talking about, tank.

im bi......he said smiling at me.

you are, huh. i guess we do then. anyways, i picked up nila, this little angel is my daughter, well your niece nila.

awww, shes ao adorable. nila giggled and flung jer arms to him, he stepped forward and looked at me. may i hold her.

i smiled and nod my head handing over nila to him.

you are so bwautiful, i think im going to call you

i scrunched my face and everyone laughed.

whats so funny. nothing, they all said.

o.k. these tqo oue the alphas, nate and nathan, there father adopted me. thats there mate, elder paige.

thats elder lea, and her mate adam.

these two little darlings are samantha ans sam, the alphas daughter and son.

i figured that much, they look like them, he said smiling, while he cooed at nila.

thats zane and his mate lacey.....there about to have there first son.

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