chapter eight

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Mark pov.......................

So hows the twins and tank doing, I ask sammy as he pulls on his boxers and joggers.

We are going for a run. Tank and eric is going to keep nila while we go for our run. And then go to the gym.

They o.k. every since sage came home, eric and tank have been hovering over her.

They are shameless if you ask me.

I know you are not the one talking mr. Elder, the way you hovered over me, and wouldnt alow me to leave the room for a week before my brothers had to make you come out.

Awwwww, dont be like that baby....I had been looking for you for thousands of years, It felt like a dream, I was scared.

Well now you know, and let them hover over her, she deserves it.

Yeah I guess since I will probably be the same way, if that happened to you. Im going to go grab nila and take her to tank, ill meet you out front. O.k. baby, I walked over and slapped his patete ass and he jumped a mile high.

He glared at me and rolled his eyes.

What!!!!!! I say holding in a chuckle. I cant help it baby, its wonderful I say, palming him and squeezing a little.

Im going to show you just how wonderful my ass really is later, but first ww need a run, we havent in a week.

We havent done something else in a week either, but you dont see me fussing about it.

You are somthing else elder mark, as he walked over and pecked my lips. He turned and switched out the room, harder then usual may I add. Oh I am going to get all up in that later, I mumbled loud enough for my twin brother in laws to hear.

As much as we enjoy you being our brother in law, we do not enjoy hereing you say you are going to fuck our little brother.

Oh shit, you heard that huh....I chuckled at the scowls on there faces.

Well you do know this is my house and you are the ones who just walked in on us.

Yeah, yeah.........just wanted to see if you wanted to get in on throwing a party for the women who hold this pack togethwr, including the twins and sammy.

Yeah, thats a good Im assuming this is a secret. Imasked them, even though I already know the answer.

Yes, you already know the answer. We are sending the ladies and sammy and eric too, to a spa resort for the weekend. They leave on tursday morning, and return on sunday to be surprised.

We will stay here with the children while running the pack too.

Mark, I told you to meet me................

Oh, nate....nathan..........what are you two doing here.

Well we are sending all the woman who helps with the pack daily holding it together to a spa resort, including you and the twins.

Oh, wow...that will be wonderful my baby say......he looks over at me and see that im smiling at him.

So you are o.k. with this mark. Yeah you need it darling, I will take care of nila while you are gone. So have fun and take care and have fun.

O.k. mark, ill go let the twins know, oh, when do we leave, he ask looking at his brothers.

Tomorrow morning, so start packing. Tomorrow, what.....I have to call my job, and on and on he mumbled about why he could not go. I finally shooshed him.

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