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Resurrection (13,1)

"I'll pull. You lift." The man nodded, positioning himself over a couple of rocks, his hand sliding beneath them before giving Tyra a nod.

She slid her arms beneath the crying child trapped beneath the rubble, giving the man a nod in return.

"One..Two..Three!" The man heaved the stone upward while Tyra dragged the child out, her screaming out in pain and breaking into more tears as she did so.

Tyra quickly tied fabric right above her previously trapped knees as tightly as she could, allowing the man to hold the child up from the torso upwards.

Tyra poked his toe with the tip of her knife, only slightly breaking the skin."Can you feel that?" With another sob, the child nodded, holding with white tinted knuckles onto the man's hand.

"You will be fine." Tyra didn't say more before rising to her feet and rushing elsewhere.

There were a dozen different patients littered across the ground, and that wasn't counting those who were still trapped under some sort of rubble and needed rescuing. Tyra had no time to comfort the child even if she wished to because one minute spent there, was another life lost at the Mountain Men's hands.

"Indra. She's alive." Tyra knew that voice, not to mention how she knew Indra perfectly.

And if her well-being had ever been in question about whether or not she was alive, something was wrong with her, and Tyra didn't hesitate to run over to her aid.

"Lincoln!" The man in question left Indra alone for a second, heaving breaths as he gave Tyra a strained smile.

She could still see his eyes were rimmed red from something apart from tears. But aside from that, he looked practically alright, which greatly relived Tyra.

"I'm glad to see you're alright." Tyra clasped his forearm, Lincoln returning the gesture. Their version of a hug.

"Likewise." Tyra surrounded Indra's slowly waking body, seeing that her leg was only slightly trapped, and the rubble wasn't that big, she could lift that just for long enough for Lincoln to drag her out.

"I will lift this, get ready to pull." Lincoln nodded, grasping onto Indra's forearms while Tyra positioned herself to lift the rubble.

Letting out a loud grunt, ignoring the sudden burn in her arms, hands, and legs. Tyra kept pulling until Lincoln had enough space to slide Indra out.

"Put me down, Reaper!" Seeing that Indra was already struggling in Lincoln's arms, Tyra deemed it safe enough to let the rubble drop, dusting her palms off on her pants.

"He just helped save your life, Indra. You can go back to hating him after this is cleared." Tyra carefully approached Indra, looking over her wounds on her arms, before she heard a shot.

The next thing Tyra knew Indra was on the ground, a brand-new wound on her shoulder while she felt her own wound on the side of her arm beginning to drop.

Octavia rushed to their side, helping Lincoln and Tyra begin to drag Indra behind some fallen rubble, only for Lincoln to push her away, leaving Tyra and her bleeding arm to drag Indra on her own.

"Octavia, go." She didn't protest and left, Lincoln immediately helping Tyra further as a shot sprang behind their feet.

Once the three were safely behind the rubble, Tyra allowed herself a moment of weakness to clutch her arm, applying pressure to the point where her fingers began to be coated in an ink-like colour, her face scrunched up in pain.

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