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Blood Must Have Blood Part Two (16,2)

The plan began with Maya going to find a guard loyal to the cause, Sergeant Lee, so he could pretend to take Jasper in custody and then Jasper could kill their leader, Cage, while Tyra and Octavia stood ready to stop the reinforcements.

Only, Maya was taking too long for Jasper's liking, and he had resorted to pacing the length of the storage room they had been waiting at, the noise of each step bouncing into Tyra's skull while a headache began to form at the front of her head.

For the time being, Tyra found that she would almost begin to regret her choice to return and save Bellamy if she had to tolerate a pacing Jasper for five more minutes.

"This is taking too long. I mean, what if she got caught?"

"We'd have heard something."

"Or we would be dead." Octavia hummed in agreement, turning her sword over as it stood beside her.

She had become just as bored and annoyed at Jasper's pacing as Tyra had, only she had a significantly higher tolerance after being used to hearing Jasper pace for days at a time back in the Ark's prison.

"Then what if she couldn't find Sergeant Lee or...I don't know... the protocol changed? What if she got caught?"

"We would be dead." Jasper stopped his momentary pacing to shoot Tyra a fleeting glare while she braided her hair before undoing the job and repeating the process over and over again.

"I see why Bellamy likes you." It was meant to be a derogatory insult, but Tyra didn't care much for it because only a second later was Jasper back to his pacing.

"Jasper, a warrior doesn't worry about what he can't control."

"Indra has taught you well." Octavia shot Tyra a smile before she remembered her current situation of being fired as her second and instead turned her smile into a frown.

But before Tyra could apologize, or at least her attempt at doing so, the door opened. Octavia and herself immediately sprung to their feet, both their swords at the ready, while Jasper only rushed to hug Maya, who Tyra supposed was Sergeant Lee, closing the door behind the hugging couple.

"Oh, thank God. Anyone see you?" Maya attempted at replying to Jasper, but the next second, Sergeant Lee had pulled his gun up, pointing it between Tyra and Octavia while they both glared at him with their swords raised. 

"Lee, put down the gun."

"You didn't say there were outsiders with you."

"They're not outsiders."

"Yes, they are." Tyra growled at Lee, his gun immediately switching to Tyra while she took small, quick steps toward him. She didn't like being threatened, much less with a gun.

"They're with us," While Lee began to lower the gun, Maya nodded at Tyra, and she lowered her sword, straightening from her battle position, so her sword was tucked back behind her arm, hidden in plain sight but at the ready to attack.

"Cage is in the dorms. They brought another group in from the Ark, more marrow. They're not even trying to fix the dam."

"How many soldiers with Cage?"

"Uh, six. Why?"

"Just get me close. They'll be happy you found another eight doses. I need a..," Tyra went up to Jasper, understanding just what he required without even hearing the words leave his lips.

She sneaked her hand into her boot and brought out one of the sharpest knives on her person, twisting it in the air while holding the hilt towards Jasper, her catching the blade between her middle and pointer fingers.

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