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Blood Must Have Blood Part One (15,2)

It seemed they had been staring at the iron door, and its bright lights by its side, for hours. The unmoving white light that taunted Tyra's entire being. It taunted her with how she was a sitting duck, an easy target until the door was unarmed.

Until suddenly, the lights blinked twice, and then fully turned off. The door had been disabled, they could sneak in. Tyra nearly smiled at the sight.

"She did it."

"One minute, starting now." The man beside Clarke spoke above the cheers of the crowd, weapons being readied for a fight.

"For those we've lost..." Clarke began, holding the remote detonator in her hand.

"And those we'll soon find," Lexa finished as they both pressed the button, only nothing happened.

They tried pressing the glowing button a few more times, but there was nothing. And unless the explosion Clarke had been talking about had been as small as an ant, nothing was happening.

"What's wrong? Why isn't it working?"

"They're jamming us. I have to get closer." Clarke ran out from behind the rocks they had been using as additional distance to the explosion.

But before she could take two steps, gunfire began up from the ridge above the door. Tyra immediately grabbed Lexa's shoulders and pushed her behind the boulder in front of them, shielding her with her body as Lincoln tackled Clarke out of the way back into their hiding spot.

"Forty five seconds!" 

"Flank the shooters! Go!" Lexa ordered a group of warriors who tried running into the woods for cover, but they didn't even make it behind the trees before they were all shot down.

"Hand me some arrows!" A warrior behind them tossed Tyra the arrows she had asked for, her immediately stringing it above her tensed finger around her bow.

She drew the bow before standing up and attempting at shooting at the Mountain Men pinning them down, but they had their eye on her in an instant and shot at her, managing to graze her collarbone before Lexa pulled her back down, adjusting her coat over her shoulder, so it would hide the stinging wound and its splurging Nightblood.

"If I can get there, I can trigger it manually."

"No. You can't get there."

"For Nate, I have to try." The sky guard handed Clarke the watch they had been using to track time before he began to sneak out of their hideout.

"Shield wall! Now! Take him to the door!" The warriors obeyed, bringing out heavy shields made of thick metal to position around the sky guard, before they began slowly moving toward the door.

All attention went to the moving metal shield, shots denting the metal while they slowly walked. For a brief second, Tyra almost believed they would achieve the impossible and breach the Mountain Men's base.

But it all went downhill once one of the warriors in the side was shot in the foot, him falling to his knees before being shot all across his body. The other warriors acting as a shield slowly began falling as well, one after the other, like droplets of water from heavy leaves during a storm. Until not one remained alive.

"Thirty seconds!"

"We'll find another way in." Lexa tried to comfort Clarke, but it was futile. If they failed then, they'd never get back inside. That was a given.

"There is no other way in. You know that."

"We don't need one. Tyra, your bow." As she saw Lincoln beginning to notch an arrow of his own, Tyra understood his plan.

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