Chapter 4

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Matthew almost shrieked with excitement. An excitement that seemed to be shared by the others as they all began to crowd around the campfire, sitting down. Ethan followed them with his eyes.

"Don't worry" Corey smiled to Ethan who was, in fact, worrying.

Ross returned now but ignored Ethan as he took a seat.

"Alright, so first of all, thank you all for coming" Corey said, standing so that everyone was now looking up at him.

"It's always good to have a full house, but even better when we have a newbie" he gestured toward Ethan and everyone but Ross nodded.

"So for Ethan's benefit, let me go over the rules" Corey turned to Ethan now and continued.

"Firstly, what happens here, stays here" he said and the others nodded.

"Second, you don't have to partake in anything, but if you want to, feel free"

Ethan cocked an eyebrow but remained silent, more out of fear of another telling off from Ross.

"Third, we're all here to have fun, so don't take it too seriously. And lastly, don't wander off, it's dangerous out here, especially at night".

Ethan nodded but was more confused now than he had been before.

"So without further ado, why don't you start Matthew".

Matthew stood up quickly, a huge smile flashing across his face as he looked around at the others. Ethan looked around at them too. What was happening? Was this some sort of cult? Were they doing a ritual or some other weird shit?

"Okay, okay" Matthew said to himself, as if to try to calm his excitement before continuing to scan the group.

"Greg!" Matthew chirped eventually and Spelling-Bee laughed with a shrug before standing up.

"Okay then" Spelling-Bee grinned "try me".

Matthew seemed deep in thought for a moment whilst Ethan continued to watch these strange events unfolding.

"What is the capital of Somalia?" He asked with a proud smile.

"Argh! You got me with this the last time too!" Spelling-Bee laughed, the rest of the group joining in except Ethan who was still quite confused.

He racked his brains for a few seconds before a flash of realisation occurred to him and he clicked his fingers.

"Mogadishu" he called out and the group erupted with cheers.

"Was I in time?" Spelling-Bee asked Corey who now looked down at his watch, nodded.

"Ha!" He teased, pointing at Matthew who looked both defeated and happy.

"Do it!" Spelling-Bee added.

Ethan watched, almost uninterested for a moment until his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Matthew wasted no time in pulling his jacket off, followed by his t-shirt. He was giggling like a school-girl and all Ethan could do was watch in horror.

His boots came next as he kicked them one by one off to the side.

"It's freezing!" He squealed but he didn't seem overly bothered by it.

Ross cat called him, eliciting another round of laughter from the group as Matthew, much to Ethan's dismay, hooked his fingers into the waistband of his jeans and pushed them down his legs.

The nineteen-year-old now stood in only his boxer briefs and nobody seemed to be shocked, except of course, Ethan who was now looking around at the others, waiting for one of them to realise that something was seriously wrong with Matthew.

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