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The return went quite softly for the pack; with everyone's bellies full and satisfied, everyone felt happy and content with themselves. The journey was pretty calm, at least for most of the pack; Blaze, in his usual spunky self, couldn't stop blabbering about all and nothing. Luckily for him, Lunis was always there to 'endure' his chit-chat sessions; she liked his company, despite how obnoxious he could be and, being his friend, she knew better than to push him away.

"... So I jumped and SWUNG my tail, RIGHT INTO HIS FACE! Ha-haaa!" The youngster took a proud pose, puffing his chest out.

Lunis rolled her eyes away, a sarcastic smirk lifting her lips, her prize still firmly held between her jaws. "That's quite the dream you had there, bud."

The male purred. "I know right!? Just another epic win, for Blaze the Grand!

- Blaze the Grand? Please don't tell me that's your self-proclaimed Alpha title or something."

He stilled. "I.... Uhm... maybe? I-It's a work in progress.

- Hm, hm. Suuure..." She nodded and continued her way, leaving Blaze behind with his strange and over the top dream topics. Although he wasn't quite done with her just yet; feeling another burst of energy, he quickly trotted back to her side. "So uhm... Had anymore of those--

- Dreams? No Blaze, I haven't." She sped up, going from a quick walk to a full trot; she really wasn't in the mood to talk of this subject. Unfortunately, if there's one thing Blaze was terrible at, it's catching on.

A groan escaped the Huntress' throat when her friend caught up, pushing further into the subject. "Hmm, my truth seeking talents tells me you are lying!

- I'm not. And you know I don't like talking about it." A bitter taste filled the back of her throat. No one wants me to talk about it...

Ever since she could remember, Lunis would have these bizarre encounters with strange entities; in other words, she had the capability to see things others couldn't, which was, to many, more than enough of a reason to tease her about. Some even feared it, calling her a freak or unatural. Despite how many times or how hard she tried, no one seemed to believe or take her seriously. Over the years, the young she-wolf learned to simply keep such phenomenons to herself. Blaze however, never questioned her; in fact, the main reason they became friends is due to his undying loyalty towards the young huntress; no matter the reason, and no matter the outcome, she knew she could always count on him whenever she needed someone to turn to. Even if at times he'd act like a real thorn in her paw, he was a good friend.

At last, the pack arrived by the entrance of their home den, Navira and Rohan, led the group through the opening made out of bushes and fallen trees from the surrounding area. It was quite simple, but useful for quick entries or exits. A wall of familiar scents flooded over Lunis when she and her pack mates stepped into their home, their leaders quickly greeted by an elderly silver and black wolf alongside a young, golden blond female. The elder of the two, welcomed the pack with a wide grin before he exchanged a few words with Navira and Dasker, the later being his younger brother. After a quick chat and an obvious glare towards her, Lunis sighed.

Crap... She turned to Blaze who gave a sheepish smile.

"Good luck?" Although his tail wagged, his pinned ears betrayed his anxiety towards the situation.

Lunis groaned, ears flat against her skull. Shaking her head in disapproval, she turned around only then realizing Silver was patiently waiting for her by the mouth of the stone cave at the back of the den site. Washed over by guilt, the female made a steady walk towards him, hoping her 'gift' would ease things down a little. Then the look on his face destroyed any hope she had of redeeming herself quickly.

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