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A strong wind blew into her ears, whispering tender promises to her mind. Pelt drawn flat against her lean body, her fur waved with the warm breeze at the rhythmic beat of her thrumming paws. She leaped and swayed over boulder and root, thrilled at the taste of the forest on her tongue.

Freedom. Absolute freedom.

Eyes closed, Lunis' paws guided her effortlessly through the forest, weaving around trees and bushes like a fish in a river stream. The air felt refreshing, envigorating, renewing her energy. It brought clarity and peace to her mind.

Lunis. From the silence, a strange voice rose, whispering to her ear as it called out her name. The female skidded to a halt, all senses on alert. Did she imagine it? Perhaps it was only the wind?

A bizarre echo resonated in her mind. Danger lies ahead... Lunis whipped around, claws digging and teeth bared only to come face to face with the same ghostly figure she's seen so many times before.

It's coat shone like silver under the moon, snow white eyes glowing like the stars in the night sky. Lunis kept her stance, unable to take her eyes off the strange being as a shiver shook down her spine. A sense of dread and heaviness loomed onto her shoulder, rooting her paws to the ground. Many heartbeats passed and neither of them moved, locked in a seemingly neverending stare.

Suddenly, the Huntress' surroundings took life as howls of agony and flashes of dark furr spurred around her, breaking through the silent night. Intertwined in swirls of teeth and claws, wolves battled out through the field, throwing blood and fur in their wrath. Terrified, Lunis stared with wide eyes and a gapped mouth at the many silhouettes blending in the darkness of nightfall, unable to comprehend what was happening. The world around her spun, bubbling the turmoil of emotions that rose in the back of her mind.

Breathe, Lunis breathe... Stay calm... It'll go away. But the cries persisted, the scent of blood still tainted her tongue and crows flew high overhead, screaming songs of death.

Amongst the chaos, Lunis noticed a pale colored female fighting claw to claw with a much larger male, cream fur marred with blood and wounds.

Senna?! Shock rippled through Lunis at the sight of the she-wolf, surprised to see her fighting with the spirit of a true Huntress protecting her pack- nothing like the snobby wolf who'd do anything to avoid getting her paws dirty. Further away, Lunis spotted more of her packmates, all stuck in a furry of teeth and fur. Lithered on to the floor, the jagged shape of bodies dotted the earth, maws wide and eyes void of life.

"Summar's Eye, what's happening!?

- A war is coming, Lunis." The voice once again reached her ear, this time clearer then ever as it mingled with the sounds of battle. "North and West will clash. Only one can survive."

The words swirled in Lunis' mind. Her stomach twisted to a knot while her throat closed in, hindering her breathes to shallow hicks. A force barreled into her flank, kicking the wind out of her. Lunis yelped, paralyzed by fear as a large wolf, eyes striken by a blood red hue loomed above her, parting his jaws a whisker away from her muzzle. The stench of blood and carrion carried to her snout, as a powerful maw closed around her throat. Lunis wriggled around, desperate to free herself from certain death all the while her windpipe crushed in her assailants jaws.

She couldn't breathe.

Lunis shot her head up, panic surging through her veins. Shadows danced around her vision, making her feel sick to the stomach. Lifting her gaze to the sky, she saw not clouds, but a sky speckled with many stars dimmed out by the half moon.

Relief settled in. She was home. Safe.

Nonetheless, a feeling of dread loomed above like a heavy cloud. Throughout the densite, snores of sleeping wolves filled the silence, creating a rhythmic and quiet cacophony through the stillness of the night. Most were curled up, flanks rising gently, some kept close to one another, pelts brushing. Everyone was sound asleep. Lunis shook her pelt as if chasing away a pesky mosquito. She carefully stood then padded to the densite's entrance, breaching through the gorse walls and into the forest. An urgent need for fresh air burnt in her lungs, strangling her like the jaws of the enemy in her dream. Anxiety pushed her forward, forcing her limbs to stretch as far as they could and grip at the earth as she bolted into the quiet forest. She didn't know where she was headed. Her paws guided her away, weaving around every tree with great speed.

Laws of the Pack | Book #1 (SLOW UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now