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Lunis leapt from her spot, paws thrashing about as her fight response kicked in. Her body twisted mid air, making a full turn and landed awkwardly on her paws, prepared to face whatever danger had managed to sneak up on her. Everyone else had lifted their heads, Rodwen and Sunny bolting out of the brush on high alert at the call, all eyes turned towards the two Huntresses.

"What's going on?" Growled the dark pelted Beta, deep blue eyes scanning the area with a steely eye.

Heads turned to Senna as she scoffed, appearing not in the slightest alarmed while casually flicking a twig from her shoulder. A sheepish smirk lifted the corner of her lips. "Woops, my bad— thought I saw a snake."

Anger boiled in Lunis' veins. The others seemed to share the same opinion, glarring at the cream Delta with unfriendly stares. Silent steps approached the female, grabbing her attention towards a scowling Rodwen.

"You know better than to ruin a hunt over some grudge, Senna." His growl was laced with anger, but he kept his usual calm tone, his blue eyes turned to ice. "You've probably alerted the entire forest, ruining any chances we've had of catching prey."

Senna stood up, starring at him with an equally challenging stare. "I told you, I thought I saw a snake. If I'm that bad of a scout, don't assign me the position next time." She flicked her tail crossly, turning her back to the broad Beta before eyeing Lunis with an equally angry look as she walked away.

Lunis bit back a growl and sighed. "I think we've done enough for today. Let's head back and hopefully, the others had better luck than us."

A wave of agreement swept through the group, everyone's head dipping at the Huntress' words. She turned to Rodwen then flicked her tail, calling everyone to follow her. The wolves obeyed, trekking alongside the leading female, a heavy distempt hovering above their heads. Before long, the group reached the plains' border where Rohan had previously instructed them to meet, leaving behind an eerily silent forest. The plains ahead were just as quiet, the tall grass gently rippling into golden waves along the horizon with still no sign of their packmates.

The sun had already begun to settle behind the tree tops, it's final golden rays majestically stretching through the sky. The pack was supposed to regroup by now, why aren't the others already here? Intrigued, Lunis approached Rodwen, both wolves sharing the same worried look in their faces.

"They should've been back by now..." lowly growled the broad male, deep blue eyes scanning the horizon.

"Perhaps they ran into trouble?" Suggested Sunny, brushing a delicate paw over her golden snout.

"That or we're too early-" growled Kora, turning her dark head angrily to a cergain Delta. Senna curled her lips into a snarl as a response, barring her sharp teeth. Rodwen quickly gave out a warning growl, urging to the females to cease their queral before they pushed his patience any further.

Lunis however, paid no attention to the argument within the ranks, all her focus drawn towards the far side of the plains. Something was wrong. Her gut fluttered with anxiety, an ominous sense of dred washing over her as the sudden urge to find her packmates nipped at her mind. A blood curdling howl echoed from across the plain, alerting the present wolves with a gruesome worry.

Rodwen barked alarmingly. "That sounded like Aki-"

The male's words were drowned by the echo of a blood curdling roar, striking fear into every wolf's chest. A grizzly. The reeds split at the wolves' passage, their claws digging deep gashes in the ground while they pelted towards the far side of the field, hearts racing in their chest. They reached the far side of the field, breaking through the forest line when another gut wrenching howl ripped through the sky, followed by the unmistakable roar of a bear.

Laws of the Pack | Book #1 (SLOW UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now