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The early Sunrise cold bore into Lunis' fur, nipping relently at her skin. Her thick, fluffy coat plastered against her body, heavy with dew. Rowden's fur had been equally soaked and darkened to the point the brown male seemed to have changed to a deep, charcoal coat. Despite the bad weather, Rodwen was the first wolf to tribute as volunteer for the Huntress' border patrol which came as a surprise to the she wolf, albeit a very welcomed one; with Blaze out on a medical supply run, she had very little options left when it came to choosing a companion she'd be willing to travel with.

As the Sun rose from it's slumber, it's heating light struggled to pierce through thick fog and even thicker clouds, rendering the forest into an eerie silence. The occasional chirp of a bird dared to break the unwavering silence, only to be silenced by it's own echo. Her home land suddenly felt otherworldly to Lunis, similar to that of her dreams, leaving the she-wolf in a strange dissociative state. Ears buzzed with an incessant ringing, drowning out her thoughts and heartbeat with every step she took. Eyes stared forward, lost in the blur of shapes and silhouettes amongst the fog and her mind couldn't weave away from the image of that ghostly wolf who's face now mirrored that of the rogue.

Lunis recalled her previous conversation with Blaze and questioned whether her observation held any ground. How can a normal wolf invade her thoughts and dreams before they've even met? Said out loud, such concept seemed impossible, but the she-wolf knew better than to brush off her visions; deep down, her gut insisted this wasn't something she could simply ignore. She'd have to dig deeper.

Focusing her gaze into the horizon, she shifted her attention to Rodwen, now realizing the older wolf had been eyeing her from the side. For how long she couldn't tell, but he didn't seem to shy away when she perked her ears at him.


- Are you always this quiet?"

The simple question threw her off, halting the Huntress in her tracks for a heartbeat. "I suppose. Blaze usually talks enough for the both of us anyways." She surprised herself with the small nudge at her friend, her lips lifting into an amused grin.

"Hm, it seem that youngster has quite some energy to spare.

- He's not that bad." She shrugged back, spotting a hint of what seemed to be amusement in Rodwen's tone. "He just doesn't know when to close that muzzle sometimes." A small chuckle rumbled her throat once more, echoing Rodwen's laugh.

"You two seem close.

- If you mean 'follows me like a shadow' close, yeah, you've pinned the tail* right.

- Hm.'' The female detected a thoughtful glint hiding at the back of his voice before it disappeared. ''Ever been interested in a potential partner?''

The question left Lunis gobsmacked, rooting her to the spot. ''Excuse me?!

- Calm down now! It's just a question." He chuckled, slightly easing her down. "No need to get so defensive."

Lunis swallowed down her words, holding back the annoyed growl rumbling in her throat. She didn't really mean to sound so defensive, she'd only be surprised as such topic felt quite personal. She'd never expect Rodwen of all wolves to ask her this. His words sparked a storm of thoughts as a strange flutter bloomed in her chest.

"I... I'm not really interested in finding a partner. N-not yet at least." The last sentence spewed so quickly from her mouth, she questioned whether he'd understood anything.

"That so? Surely there must be some wolf you're interested in.

- I don't want a partner..." Her jaw clamped so tightly when she spoke, her growl came out as nothing more than a mumble.

Laws of the Pack | Book #1 (SLOW UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now