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Milky rays of light appeared in the horizon as the first signs of Sunrise slithered its way into the forest. In the trees, birds and squirrels peaked out of their nests, enjoying Summar's fresh winds when a swift, colder breeze blew by; Falla's breath had already begun to mingle with his brother's, a reminder Summar's reign was nearing its final Suns.

Trotting at a steady pace, Rohan and Lunis could distinguish the entrance of the densite ahead when a guttural howl resonated from its center, alerting the two approaching wolves. Quick on his paws, Rohan pelted towards the noise and Lunis followed suit, curious to know what could be the cause for such alarm. Bursting through the entrance, they found themselves surrounded by waking wolves and whispers of concerns as the pack woke up simultaneously. Blaze, previously curled and peacefully asleep in his nest, had sprang onto his paws as if the whole forest was aflame, his fur bristling into spiky patches. He quickly trotted towards Lunis when he spotted her amongst the crowd, amber eyes echoing her concerns.

''What's going on!? Is the forest on fire!?" Lunis gave a shrug in response, craning her head towards the den's entrance where Rohan had disappeared, wondering what could be happening behind that dark veil when another howl shot out of the tunnel, this time followed by an aggressive growl, then a yelp.

Worried for her Alphas, Lunis bolted into the den, ignoring Blaze's protesting barks. Leaving behind whispers of concern, she slithered her way through the tunnel and entered the main room shortly after. The scent of fear and blood rammed her senses, forcing her to a halt. Her attention snapped towards the other side of the room as she immediately recognized the rogue's silver colored pelt amongst the dark walls of the den. Most of the female's wounds had been covered with a green poultice while others seemed to be have been freshly reopened, blood trickling onto the floor. Her curled lips revealed fangs covered with the same crimson liquid, however these stains didn't seem to belong to her. The female's eyes nearly bulged from her skull as she licked her blood stained lips between her snarls, eyeing Silver.

The elder had a large cut slicing his left ear and a river of red leaked down his cheek and into his eye. He didn't seem to mmin, his attention kept solemnly onto the rogue as he seemed to try and calm her down.

"We are not trying to hurt you..." His voice was hoarse, broken into a mere whisper as he tried to avoid startling the young she wolf, who Lunis came to realize was fiercely protecting something tucked under her belly. "I need to take a look at her-

- DON'T TOUCH HER!" Spit flew from the female's maw as her jaws snapped in response, pushing herself further against the wall.

Lunis held back her breathe, obversing carefully when Navira stepped forward. The leader kept incredibly calm despite the rogue's aggressive behavior and approached one step at a time, inching her way closer. She halted a tail away then lowered her head to place a fresh rabbit on the floor.

"You look to be hungry. I've asked one of my Delta's to catch this for you." She pushed the rabbit towards the rogue.

The silver female's growls ceased. Her blue eyes flickeree hungrily towards the rabbit as if assessing whether it was safe or not to grab. She leaned forward and smelled the carcass before grabbing it between her jaws, tearing at it's flesh within sseconds. Lunis felt a jab of pitty stab through her heart as she observed the silver female's physique; she was incredibly skinny. Bones jutted sharply under her skin, barely covered by her ragged, unkempt fur. Through the thin patches of the rogue's once silver pelt, Lunis noticed her skin seemed marred by old cuts and bruises, although some seemed to have been inflicted more recently. Rogues were often attacked and chased by other packs which would explain her wounds, but the Northern territorie stretched further than one's eyes could see. Who had inflicted these injuries?

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