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The seasons are represented by four deities known as the four siblings; Thushar the Wise, Falla the Trickster, Summar the Grand and Mahika the Pure. Each deity represents a season, Winter, Autumn, Summer and Spring.

The two companions returned to camp, pelts brushing every now and then as they trotted rythmycally into the forest. Although she was never fond of sticking this close to others, she felt quite comforted by his presence and decided to let him walk by her side. A loud yawn escaped her maw; all this traveling and worries had completely worn her out.

At last, the camp's gorse walls appeared into view, it's opening greeting the two wolves with the promise of safety and warmth. Eager to feel soft bedding beneath her paws, Lunis quickened her pace and Blaze following suit. Once she reached the mouth of the denplace's gate, Lunis paused unsure if any of her packmates were close by- if she'd walked in carelessly, her cover would be blown and Navira would learn about her disobedience. The pale colored female pricked an ear and smelled the air as the pack's familiar scent danced on her tongue. Judging by the sound of many peaceful breathes and a few chatter, the pack was settling down for a sundown nap. Lunis huffed out a sigh, relieved she wouldn't have to squeeze through that tiny opening again- her paws were tired and she didn't feel like digging her way through. The thought of sleep encouraged her forward and she mustered up the energy to walk through the denplace's mouth. Her jaw split into a wide but quiet yawn, drowsiness weighing down her eyes as she made her way through the clearing.

"And what were you doing outside the den?" Lunis froze in her steps, holding back a snarl. For Astra's sake- why her!? Gazing over her shoulder with a crossed look, Lunis faced the tall female who stood before her, bright green eyes scowling with a frown.

Lunis huffed. "Senna." Senna scowled in return, eyeing the white Huntress as if she was the scummiest filth in the land. "I simply needed to make dirt-

- Don't lie to me, Lunatic." Lunis growled at the name, her entire body rippling with angry spikes of fur. "I can smell the plains all over you- you snuck out didn't you?

- It's none of your business, flea-bag-

- Don't take me for a fool-" The snarky Huntress whirled around the smaller female, shoving her dark brown snout inches away from Lunis' face. "I saw you sneaking away like some slimey snake! What were you up too!?

- Nothing, Senna.

- A wolf doesn't simply head off to the plains for nothing. What are you up to? Talking to dead-meat again?

- Actually-" Blaze stepped forward, standing by his friend with a smile, but his tucked tail showed his little confidencea and awkwarness towards the situation. "I'm the one who asked her to tag along- I wasn't tired and felt like having company." Lunis kept a straight face, but deep down, she knew Blaze's story wouldn't work- she could smell fear reak from his pelt and noticed his paws shook anxiously, betraying him.

Senna's eyes squinted, distrust wrinkling her brown freckled muzzle. "As if! Don't think I didn't notice you going after her, flea brain-

- SENNA!" Rising from the shadows, a sandy and brown pelted wolf trotted towards the queral, bones jutting under his jagged fur. "Shut your muzzle and quit whining! Some of us are trying to sleep here!

- But Dasker, Lunis bro-

- Does it looks like I care!? Now get back to sleep before I drag you by the tail and feed you to the crows." He turned a steely eye towards Lunis and Blaze, huffing out a growl. "Same goes for the both of you- now get!"

Hurt flashed through Senna's eyes at the elder male's words, but her face quickly schooled back into an angry scowl when the old male turned his back, ignoring her words. A loud groan escaped her throat before she promptly trotted away, swishing her tail angrily in her wake. Lunis' blue gaze followed the tall Huntress, venom spewing through her gaze; since the day they have met, Lunis and Senna had always been at each other's throats. Other than calling her a freak, Lunis could never understand why Senna was so spiteful towards her. Lunis however, had developed a deep rooted hatred for the other Huntress from all the teasing and bad treatment, but part of her also resented Senna for her looks; the she-wolf had a beautiful cream colored fur, while her back and tail were stripped with patterns of silver and brown, making Lunis' white fur look bland in comparison.

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