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A thick layer of clouds shrouded the land in darkness. Birdsong echoed throughout the forest, Falla's cold breath carrying the melody from North to South.

Sitting near the Healer den's mouth, Rodwen couldn't seem to hold still. He'd been waiting for Senna's return since Moonhigh but the female hadn't shown up since nor given signs of life. At last, all his worries melted away once the face of a familiar cream colored wolf appeared within the brush, carrying not one, but two large rabbits from her smiling maw.

''Senna!'' Ecstatic, the broad male rushed to meet her. ''Where have you been?'' Leaning to the side, the Beta noticed the winded state of the patrol, but to his content, they each carried a fairly pompous hare. ''What in Summar-

- Found a hare burrow. Thought it'll help the pack to have a proper meal after Suns of hard work, wouldn't you?''

Although initially angry to know she'd straid herself from the initial task without warning, he couldn't stop a smile from crawling onto his lips. The pack was in need of food and with Falla's cold breath chasing away the caribou, any prey would be of great help to all.

A glow or pride bloomed in his chest. ''Well done.'' Raising his voice, he addressed the entire patrol. ''All of you, get some rest and report back for a patrol at Sundown. Dismissed.'' Howls of joy followed Rodwen's words then the tired wolves padded away to share their prizes with the pack.

Taking Senna's side, Rodwen grabbed a plump rabbit, carried it to Silver before he picked his own meal. He was about to lay down when Senna trotted over to him, her tail happily wagging as she sat down.

''So, anything interesting happened while I was gone?'' Although the question was serious, Rodwen couldn't help but smile at Senna's cheeky tone.

Growing up, Senna had always been particularly special to Rodwen. Despite her spiteful, badger-like attitude towards the others, she'd always been nothing but protective and kind to Rodwen; as pups, they were inseparable, following each other like birds in a flock. Even when he'd been appointed Beta, Rodwen always managed to find some spare time for his lifelong friend.

Swallowing a mouthful of fur, the broad male thoughtfully leaned his head in contemplation. ''Nothing really. Preparations are nearly over, all we need is Navira and Rohan's approval for departure.

- Ugh, about time! With how slow things have been, I thought we'd never leave." She snickered through a wide grin, earning a small chuckle from her pack mate. Turning her attention to the den, the she-wolf lost her smile as she looked around. ''Where's Lunatic gone this time?''

Rodwen was halfway through chewing a chunk of his food when Senna spoke up, making him frown. ''Lunis... She's been injured.

- Pfft, typical.'' Senna's eyes rolled with exasperation.

Rodwen groaned, feeling as though a thorn had prodded his side. As much as he liked Senna, he'd never understood her disdain for Lunis nor why she was so set on pushing the younger she-wolf's limits. It wasn't his business to ask, nor his place to object, but he couldn't hide his disdain towards her attitude.

Displaying a crooked pout, Senna continued on. ''What did she do this time, another rogue buck chase?

- She was attacked.

- Attacked? By what?

- A wolf.'' Rodwen's tone shifted to an icy cold snare as he eyed Senna with equally stern look. ''She got a really bad hit to the head and... hasn't woken up since.'' Pain dug its claws into his heart, shifting his gaze towards the Healer's den where Lunis had been resting.

''Hm, well, I wouldn't be too worried. Besides, shouldn't something be done about that wolf they met?

- I haven't had time to speak to Rohan or Navira yet. I was waiting for you to return.'' Senna gazed down as if to hide her embarrassment. Feeling his anger melt away, Rodwen grazed his tongue onto her ear. ''Hey, I'm glad you made it back safely.''

Senna returned the gesture with a cheeky smile. The two went on to enjoy the rest of their meal, sharing tongues and chatting happily until they eventually needed to return to their duties. Giving one last friendly lick to Senna, Rodwen dismissively ruffled his pelt when a thought crept its way into his mind. Neither Rohan or Navira had shared any news about the migration nor the rogue attack on Lunis. Had they forgotten?

He sighed in frustration. Perhaps their age is catching up to them...

Decided, Rodwen headed to the den. The cave's mouth reeked of herbs, a telltale sign Silver recently came for a visit. Curiosity nipped Rodwen's mind like a needy pup. Had Rohan or Navira fallen ill? With the thought at the back of his mind, Rodwen carefully set foot through the stone tunnel and reached the main chamber where he found Natural resting by Roman's side.

The brown leader's head lifted in alert. "Rodwen. Pleasure to see you." He pushed himself up as he spoke and straightened his back, leveling himself to his Beta.

Rodwen greeted in return. "Rohan, I wished to speak with you."

The older male nodded then stood, gesturing ttowards Navira as he spoke. "Of course, but not here. Come with me."

Brushing past him, Rohan trotted to the mouth of the rocky den, where he sat and waited for the Beta to join. Shifting his paws to make himself comfortable, Rodwen sat down and faced his leader. Curiosity fluttered into his chest once more.

"I wished to consult you."

The oak colored male seemed slightly surprised, tilting his head in contemplation. ''Yes, what is it you wish to share?

- As of now we are ahead of schedule and ready for departure, that is once Lunis recovers and is fit for travels, of course. Senna has returned from her patrol with enough food to sustain everyone.

- Good work. Have you sent out a scouting party yet?

- No sir, I was awaiting your clearance for that.''

He nodded. ''Let them rest for a few Suns, you and your patrol will need to be at your best for the journey. In three Suns, return to me so we may discuss a plan of action.

- Understood.'' Heartbeats of silence passed, both wolves seemingly deep in thought when Rodwen spoke up once again. "How's Navira?"

Rohan visibly stiffened at his words. "She's resting for now, but she has admittedly had trouble sleeping these last Suns. Silver has been keeping a close eye on her.

- I'm pleased to hear. In hopes Thushar will be generous to her. Do you wish for me to help with anything else?

- No, that will be all." Dismissing his Beta, Rohan padded over to Navira when he gazed over his shoulder. "You've done good work today, Rodwen. But remember to allow yourself to rest; one can't decide with a clouded mind. Don't let your ambitions get the better of you."

Following his words, the broad male disappeared into the shadow of his den. Rodwen felt rooted to the spot, Rohan's words repeating at the back of his mind. Don't let your ambitions get the better of you. A bitter taste rose to his mouth. Is Rohan doubting his decisions? Had he begin to question him?

Rodwen dismissed the thought. No, he is loyal and true to the pack. Everyone knew this, and none more than Rohan; he had personally appointed Rodwen nearly a season ago, surely he didn't have second thoughts?

Doubt crawled up his legs like ants swarming his fur. Perhaps a good night sleep would help calm his worries, but again, there was still much he had to do. A growl rumbled his throat as a voice rose from the other end of the density, calling his name.

Sleeping would have to wait.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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