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What does one do when they have the rest of their day free of all chores and tasks? That's what the young she-wolf asked herself whilst she stepped out of the leader's den. It was quite warm for a late Summar day, however she couldn't really go anywhere since she was supposed to be grounded. Maybe helping Silver wasn't such a bad idea afterall- at least she wouldn't spend the remainder of the day bored to death.

And when boredom comes around, bad ideas are very quick to follow.

That wolf from earlier, although she had seen it before, Lunis had never seen it from this close before. Usually, it would hide somewhere behind a tree or a boulder, peering slightly from the side as if spying her every move. And yet today, it had shown up in plain sight as if mocking her, teasing her to come look for it. What made today different? Why did it suddenly decide to show itself in broad daylight?

A shiver nipped at her paws, fueled by her curiosity. She had to know.

Now all she had to do was sneak away, which luckily, was one of her specialties; as a pup, Lunis had a nack for slipping away whenever she desired too. Probpem is, she wasn't very good at sneaking back in without getting caught.

With a smirk lifting her lips, Lunis trotted over to the far right of the den, at the spot where the brambles of the camp's walls connected with the leaders den. She knew of a small opening beneath the bramble which she could fit through, one she had hidden with a few spare branches a while back. Careful to not attract any attention, Lunis tossed aside the branches then squeezed herself down the opening, digging the bottom of the tunnel to allow herself through- it felt a little tighter than she remembered. The thorns clung and ripped at her fur, but she ignored the unpleasant feeling and crawled ahead. Her pristine white head popped through the mouth of the opening on the other side and she swept her gaze across the forest clearing. With the coast clear, she wiggled her shoulders and legs, then popped her rear out before covering up the small entrance from view.

Now freed from the grasp of the tunnel, Lunis took a grand detour towards the plains, making sure she'd avoid the territories' patrols whilst she headed for the meadows. Although she could be certain no one would cross by her scent trail, she made sure to leave as little tracks as possible, just in case today would be the day Falla* played tricks on her.

Cautiously, the female made her way through the dense forest of the north, relishing the sensation of soft leaves and prickly pine needles beneath her paws. Every sound from her surroundings, accompanied by the plethora of smells enveloping the atmosphere made her fall into a state of peace as all her worries were erased with the wind. She shook her pelt hastily and groaned; this wasn't a time for day dreaming, she had to reach the meadows and head back before anyone notices she's missing- if they hadn't already.

The sun had lowered midway behind the treeline by the time she reached the plains, the darkness of nightfall steadily taking over; she had more than enough time to head back. Once she broke into the field, she bee lined towards the remains of the carcass, chasing away a few coyotes in the process. Seeing her size, the coyotes knew better than to challenge the Huntress, deciding instead to leave their meal behind. The smell of blood and meat watered the young she-wolf's mouth when she approached the carcass, walking amongst a few crows who had decided to join the feast. She didn't bother chasing them away, too focused onto retracing her steps to notice their squabbling. It was pretty simple considering the blood trail she left behind was still quite visible to ghe naked eye. Nose stuck to the ground, she traced her way back to the very spot she laid down, the same place she'd seen it. A strange chill crept down her spine while she recalled her vision, paws suddenly rooted to the ground when she gazed up towards the location she last saw it.

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