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Lore drop:

The northern pack functions through a ranked system, where each wolf is assigned a title and role associated to their best capabilities. Gammas, also known as Scouts are lean and quick on their paws. Delta's or Hunters have a strongly built bbod and excel in strength and combat. Omegas are wolves who haven't received an assigned title or, wish to become Healer.

The Beta is known as the pack's second in command.

Alpha/Alphess designates their leaders.

A sense of dread and horror collectively fell upon the group of wolves, eyes wide with unreadable looks on their faces. Lunis felt a lump of bile rise at the back of her throat, quickly swallowing to prevent herself from hurling in front of her packmates. Even though this was just a rogue, a life was a life no less and to see it's flame had been extinguished in such a cruel way- the female couldn't bring words to it.

It was utterly cruel.

Rohan dipped his head sorrowfully before he turned to Blaze and Kora, the iciness of his tone betraying his anger. "You two, track down the bear, make sure it's headed out of our territory. We cannot afford to leave it unchecked now that it's tasted wolf blood."

The Gammas nodded simultaneously then pelted in the direction the bear was last seen, leaving behind them a heavy silence. Pulling her gaze away, Lunis saw the grief-stricken look which clouded Navira's eyes starring in dismay at the young pup's body. The pach knew Navira always carried a particular softness for pups even though she never had any of her own to care for.

"We should bury them." She murmured, burdened by a sorrow no one else could understand. "It's the least they deserve."

A silent agreement rippled throughout the group, everyone respecting their leader's decision. Lunis turned to the small scrap of brown fur huddled by the she-wolf's flank, feeling a pang in her chest at the thought of such a young pup being helplessly mauled to death by a bear. She wouldn't wish such faith to her worse enemy...

Pushing the thought away, she stepped into the hollow pressing her snout gently against the pup's body to lift it onto her muzzle; she didn't want to get it's body into her mouth, afraid she'd crush it due to its minuscule size. As her snout came to touch the small scraps' flank, Lunis' eyes shot wide open as the tiniest squeak rose from the pup's throat.

It's still alive.

Hope blooming in her chest, Lunis pressed her snout against the silver female's flank and felt the faintest rise and fall of a steady breathing.

"Navira! Rohan! They're still alive!" A row of gasps rose from the group, everyone's eyes immediately turned to the pale Delta. She stepped aside as Rohan trotted to the two wolves confirming her words before he turned to the pack, sharing the same bewildered look in his eyes.

Rohan drew under his breath. "Summar's Eye-" followed by a booming howl. "Lunis, carry the pup to Silver. Rodwen-" He turned to the broad shouldered Beta. "Help me carry her."

Their voices trailed off when Lunis pelted away towards the densite, a sudden desperation fueling her pawsteps. The pup hung from her jaws, barely reactive to any of its surroundings. It was so light against her snout, the Huntress felt the constant urge to check whether the pup was still there, afraid it would fall and end up trampled.

At last, the densite's familiar walls peered into view. Lunis slowed to a canter before breaching the entrance with a quick trot. Without a word, she headed straight for Silver's den, counting every passing heartbeat with a growing worry. She burst into the den, disturbing Silver from his recovery session with Hinto and the healer's own brother Dasker, who's joints ached with arthritis.

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