19-Malboro nights✯

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I stare at the food in my plate as my parents are discussing the maturity of my brother and my immaturity.

"Can you believe that max,who is 9 years old,is more responsible than our 15 year old daughter?Can you?"says my mother before taking another sip of her water.

"Sweetheart,Y/n is pretty responsible to be honest.It's max who's too responsible for his age.I think both of our children are perfectly capable of taking decisions."my father answers.

"Yeah but not to clean up their room or to take the trash out."

"Mother,"max looks at my mom"father,"he looks at dad"You know that we're sitting at the same table right know right?"

"Ugh for real.Literally if you have to talk about us then don't do it in front of us."I state.

"Let's change subject.What's with prom sunshine?Its only less than two weeks away.Aren't you excited?!"asks my mother with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah..super excited."I sigh before looking up just to see my mothers smile slowly fade away.

"What happened?You were so excited when we got the dress.."my mother gives me a confused look.

"It's just I don't have a date.Prom is mostly about having a date,and about the corsage and slow dancing with the significant person under the,for once charming,lights of the gym.All of my friends have a date.No one's asked me.To be honest I don't even know if I want to go anymore."

My mothers eyes widen at my statement.

"What are you talking about?I booked a private hairstylist!And your dress,Y/n!You know how much it costed?"

"I know mom but I didn't want to buy that dress in the first place!I knew it was expensive,I even told you I thought it costed too much but you insisted."

"Because I knew that deep down you wanted that dress.Prom is unforgettable and I want you to live it at it's fullest."

"Yeah well I don't know if I want that anymore."

"Y/n,"my dad interferes "Prom is not about having a date.It's about having fun!"

"You're right but I don't wanna be the only idiot who hasn't got a date."I admit.

"Believe me,baby,you won't be."

My father gives me a comforting smile.

"Well I think you should sleep on it and then decide.You have time till sunday.Then you will have to tell me what you want to do.And if you really don't want to go I'll just return the dress,I guess."

My mothers suggestion sounded good,so I agreed and went upstairs.

I lay on my bed,looking at the ceiling.Maybe I should go.Maybe my mother is right.

I hear the notification sound of my phone and pick it up.To my surprise it's jaden.



Me:You okay?

Jaden:Yeah.Why wouldn't I be?

Me:It's just weird that you're texting me.

Jaden:Why?I mean aren't we friends now?;)

Me:We sure are hahaha

He doesn't reply.God I hate people that do that.They text first but tend to not reply.Like,why?Thats when I see another message pop up.

𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 // 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧✰Where stories live. Discover now