29.0-Our last Summer ✯

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Last Summer

Jadens POV:

"It's so fucking hot." says Jayla, coming back from the beach-bar with 4 Slushies. One for each of us.

She positions the tray on the table and Y/n grabs the blue one at the speed of light or-if we want to put it another way- I didn't even notice her grabbing it, it just appeared right were it is now, in her hands.

"I know right. But it's also our fault. We're at the beach and we're sitting here because you," Javon points at Jayla a little frustrated "Wanted a Slushy."

"Hey!" she snaps at him and then proceeds to sit down taking one of the slushies for herself
"I'm not the only one who wanted this." she shakes the slushy in her hands.

"There's someone else who wanted this too. And this someone else is sitting right across the table from you." Jayla glances over at Y/n and they all start to giggle "and also, you're drinking right now too." Javon and Jayla exchange some goofy faces before slurping their drinks again.

I've never been a summer guy. I've never been an anything guy, if I have to be really honest. I'm not one to enjoy pretty much anything- a quality of mine that I wouldn't quite consider a quality at all- but I can't help it. I always find flaws, even in the most beautiful things.

This rule of mine applies to everything. Except for one thing.

As I take a slushy, start to sip a little and nibble on the straw, I can't help but glance over at the girl sitting on my right. Y/n. Oh, Y/n.

As I told you, I'm not one to enjoy things the way they are- it doesn't matter how beautiful they are- I find the flaws. As I'm looking at her. At Y/n. I try my best to look for something in her appearance that seems off but: Nothing. I've surprised myself.

Her nose and cheeks are red and as I look at her a little more, I realize that her skin is pealing in some places because she got a sunburn. This morning I told her to put some sun screen on. She told me she did, well now I know she lied. But to me, even that look suits her.

She has the same old bikini on, the red one she's always worn since she was 12. This year though, it doesn't fit her as well. She's grown a lot this year. That's doesn't mean it doesn't look good though. No, quite the opposite. It flatters her even more.

Her hair is still a little wet. It looks messy. I like it.

Everything about her is perfect in this moment. Which kind of scares me. She's always scared me, if I have to be completely honest, but it was all about personality- It was about competition. Now it's about the effect she has on me. I feel weird around her. Different. That's the right word.

"Jaden?" her delicate voice echoes in my ears."Dickhead? You there? Do I look weird or what?"

"Yeah, you look weird." Javon jokes and Y/n doesn't really look flattered.

"No. No quite the opposite." I say, my eyes fixating on her.

Jayla looks up from her drink at me, weirded out. Javon does the same. I let my intrusive thoughts win. Fuck.

"Uhm..Just joking!" they start to laugh awkwardly, including Y/n. "You...You look" I think about an excuse as fast as possible "You look like a girl who didn't wear sun screen today."

She looks down at her arms and notices how her skin is peeling off.

"So not only you look weird as fuck because of that," I point at her confidently"but you're also a liar, because you told me you put on sunscreen."

"Uhm.. yeah no actually I did! I just didn't reapply it."she nods to herself.

"Y/n you have so many talents, but lying isn't one of them." chuckles Jayla.

That was really, really close. If this happens again I won't be able to control myself so I try to keep my composure.

All of the sudden, I feel lips smashing on my cheeks.

"Jaden, baby. I missed you."

I turn around and I'm facing Ava. My girlfriend.

"Hey" I give her a peck on the lips and feel
Y/n's  eyes focusing on us.

"I brought you a little something!" she says before taking a seat from another table and sitting next to me.

She pulls out a little box and gives it to me. I open the box and as I look at the amazing bracelet she gifted me, I can't stop feeling guilty because of the way I thought about Y/n a few minutes before she arrived.

"Wow, this looks amazing." I smile brightly "but you shouldn't have. This bracelet is expensive."

"I know, but as soon as I saw it, I thought about you."she smiles softly and I immediately realize how bad of a boyfriend I was. Thinking about another girl. Does that count as cheating? It doesn't, right?

"Okay, guys I'm gonna go for a swim. Who's coming?"asks the girl, who's name I don't wanna say because I know I'll feel even worse. I shouldn't, but I will.

Everyone gets up with her and start to run off. I take Ava's hand and walk calmly with her. Listening carefully to everything she has to say, without even once thinking about her.

A/N: Guys I just wanted to tell you, that there is going to be a 29.5 really soon!! I hope you're puzzling the pieces and hints🫶🏻Let me know if you want more of old Y/n&Jaden!! I loved writing this, so expect more<33

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