28-If we have Each Other✯

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Standing in front of my house for the entire morning wasn't what I had planned. Oh, not at all.

Yesterday I spent the whole day at the Walton's with Jaden. And even though he insisted that I stayed a little longer, I decided to go back home because I indeed felt better and didn't wanna bother any longer. 'In case you faint, you'll be safe with me' was his excuse for me to stay. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't because if I did, god knows what I would've done. One of those things would probably have been: forgiving him.
He reminded me how good he is, how good he is to me and for me.

For a day I forgot what had happened. Every single detail. That wouldn't have been possible without Jaden and so I feel the need to give him credits for that. For making me feel better when I was at my lowest. Even if he was one of the causes of this down grade of mine.

As much as I wanna keep hating him, I can't. I really cannot. And accepting this will be a very tricky challenge for my ego and my pride.

At my parents though, at them I'm still mad.

I take a step forward, then another and another step again. I lift my finger, to ring the doorbell and in less than a second my mother opens the door.

"Oh my god. Y/N!"she says frenetic, looking like she's about to cry out of relief.

I step inside and my mother throws her arms around my torso, hugging and holding onto me for dear life.

"Let go of me!" I push her off, realizing a little too late how disrespectful that was.

I look up at her and see her normally shiny eyes, now glossy because of the tears building up.

"Y/N we were so worried." says me mother trying to contain herself.

"We were looking for you!" she breaks the silence and screams at me while my father puts a hand on my mothers shoulder to try and calm her down.

I see him bending down and whisper words in her ear. But the words that escape from my mothers mouth aren't as reassuring.

"No I can't calm down Mark! Our little girl hates us. Hates me! She spent the night somewhere we don't even know. She snuck out! Our little Y/n would never have done that. It's my fault, Mark do you understand? It's my fault." she whispers loud enough for me to hear every single word.

My father takes my mom into his arms and caresses her shoulders gently while she cries in his chest.

I feel like shit. But I shouldn't, should I? In the end that's what she wanted. She set me up. And she's right, she screwed up all of it for me. So I shouldn't feel bad. The thing is, I do.

I run up the stairs to my room and slam my door shut. I throw my self on the bed and allow myself to cry.

I feel the tears running down my cheeks, my chin and lastly on my neck. Some land on the pillow. No, most of them do. But I allow them to.


I hear a knock on my door that wakes me up from a very profound sleep. Without waiting for answer I hear my mother walk in. I recognize its her by the way her feet delicately stump on the floor.

"Sweetie," she sits down on my bed nexts to me. "I think you deserve some explanation. You're old enough to know the truth."

I sit upright and look at her with my puffy, sleepy eyes. She goes to put her hand on my face to wipe the tears left off and I let her.

"I'm all ears." I say, curious to know what's coming.

"You see, when I was your age I was a real hopeless romantic. I believed in every single thing that happened in rom coms. As well as the fact that prom had to be the perfect night. And so I planned it to be. Just..everything I wanted didn't go as planned. I had everything figured out. My dress, my perfume, my make up, my ride, my partner and even what I was going to eat that night. As you know you've never met your grandparents."She spoke to me gently.

"Mom, I don't get where this is going." I admit.

"Well, the night of my prom I realized that my father wasn't the one I thought he was. He abused your grandmother at night when I was sleeping as a kid and did the same when I wasn't home. Both my parents tried so hard to keep it a secret. My mother hid it by covering her bruises up with and make up and because she still loved my father and didn't want me to hate him. My father did it because he knew I was going to do something. He knew I wasn't going to stand there still and say nothing.

It was afternoon and I had gotten home early from my hairstylist appointment. And I saw my father holding a knife against my mothers neck. I remember it so vividly. She was shaking and so was I. I threatened him that I would tell the police everything and as a result he ripped my prom dress, broke everything in my room and proceeded to hit me too. Long story short I was traumatized by that event and didn't get to go because of it. Y/n, dear, I'm so sorry. I just wanted the best for you. I wanted for you to have the fun I didn't. I wanted you to have the time of your life. But I didn't realize that that wasn't your teenage dream but mine."

I sit there shocked, not knowing what to say. I surely know what to think though: I was so ignorant for judging the situation so fast. How did I even dare to accuse them of wanting the worst for me. And I feel so bad I start to cry again, this time I am the one to throw herself on my mother, holding onto her for dear life.

"Mom I'm so so miserably sorry."I cry on her shoulder.

"Let's be honest we both fucked up."she says as she kisses my head.

"Wait, did you just cuss?"I look up at her.

"Maybe." she giggles and hugs me again.

"So to make you forgive me-"

"Mom you're already forgiven, you know that right?"

"I know but your father and I already bought the tickets."

"The tickets? I'm not following you."I sniff gently.

"The Walton's, your father and I decided we wanted to go on a little trip together. So we bought tickets to Italy. All of us. Including Jaden Walton." She winks at me.

"Wait what?!"I scream "It wasn't necessary but still thank you so much!"I smile at her. There
are still tears streaming down my cheek because the thought of what had happened to my mother couldn't leave my mind.

"It was the least we could do." I hear my father who's standing in the door frame.

And that's the moment I realize that this might be the chance to find myself, to understand what I really want.
Maybe this will be the chance, to make everything right again.

𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 // 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧✰Where stories live. Discover now