30-Strange effect ✯

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That's the first thing I hear before opening my eyes and coming back to the real world after a very long nap.

"Wake up. We've landed in italy."she smiles at me.

Even though I'm still half asleep I get out of my seat to get my suitcase. I jump to grab onto it but I can't because it's too high up. I insist though like the persistent woman I am.

"Do you need some help?" I hear a voice I know all too well coming from behind me.

"Jaden, no thanks. I can do this on my own." I speak gathering all of my confidence.

And as I try again to grab my suitcase, I yet again fail miserably. I sigh, knowing the only one who'll be able to help me is Jaden because of how crowded the whole plane is. I can't even see my mother anymore...and she woke me up like 5 minutes ago!

"Okay, maybe I might need some help. Just a little help."

"Oh thank you so much y/n for the appreciation." he jokes before someone shoves him to the side to get their own suitcase and causes him to fall onto me, which follows me falling over in the (thankfully free) seats in front of me.

"Sorry guys."I hear this person mutter but then he's off again with his own business.

I stand up again and turn around, that's when I realize how close our faces are from one another. He's practically latching onto me. The goosebumps can't help but appear on my delicate skin as I feel his hot breath against my mouth. That's only for you to understand how close we are standing.

I know lots has happened between us this year but he still has an effect on me. A strange one. One I've never experienced before. Not even with Javon, my childhood best friend. It's like he created this fire inside of me just to put it out, and the ashes still let out some sparks when he's around. Because you know; a fire is never put out, since the ashes are still hot enough to reignite and put up the fire again. And that's what I'm most afraid of.

I look up at him and our eyes connect instantly. I let out a shaky breath as Jadens hand brushes mine.

"Sei la donna più bella sulla faccia della terra."he speaks.

"What was that?" I laugh "Was that Spanish? What did you say anyway?"

"Oh you know I've been practicing my Italian for this trip and I've learned a phrase or two."

"Oh is that so?"I narrow my eyes as a wide smile appears on my face.

"By the way, that meant: If this stupid girl keeps looking at me like she wants to kiss me, I won't be able to get her suitcase."

I hit his shoulder knowing that that was clearly not what he was saying.

"You're stupid. Now..my suitcase?"

He stretches out his long arms and both his strong hands grasp on each side of the trolley. He takes it, careful not to hit my head with it since we're still facing each other, and puts it down right beside me.


"Nessun... problema? That should be correct. At least I hope it is." he mutters the last 6 words and I almost don't understand what he's saying.

"Let me guess. No problem?"

"Oh my god yes you're a genius!"he says with a tone full of sarcasm.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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