Breaking and Mending

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"Hi, it's me..." I Speak into the phone. Like always, it went to his voicemail. "I'm at a pay phone in front of the market and I was going to ask if you wanted anything, but you know the saying; you snooze, you loose! I'll be back in a half hour-ish. bye, babe."
I hung up the phone and stepped out of the booth. I don't understand Rod. Ever since we've been engaged, it seems, we barely say more than one sentence to each other, and there hasn't been much going on except maybe a few pecks on the lips and a small snog here and there, maybe. I don't say anything to him, but I sense he's hiding something. Now, I'm no love expert, but from what I hear, if you're in it for the long hall, like I assume we are, seeing as there's a giant rock on my fist, honesty is key. I shake off the thoughts plaguing my brain and go into the local market for things to cook for dinner tonight.


"Finally." I say to myself as I fiddle with the keys to the door of our house. All I wanted now, was to get out of these work clothes, into something oversized and lazy, get cooking dinner over with, and do absolutely nothing else.
I enter the house and I set the groceries on the kitchen table.
"Hello..." I call out, dragging out the 'o' a little. no answer.
"Rod?" Still no answer. Huh, he said he wasn't feeling up for going anywhere today, seeing as it's his day off from shows. He could just be sleeping. I shrug it off and start to prepare dinner.
As I put the bow tie pasta into the boiling water,  I hear a loud shriek come from upstairs, making me spill more into the pot than I had intended to put in.
I freeze.
That shriek was most definitely not from a male's vocal chords. I turn off the stove and strain my ears to listen clearly. Moans. Squeals. I hear it all. From both male an female.
I make my way up the stairs, my stomach in nots.
The sounds became louder with each little step I took. I knew just what it was. I was for sure certain when I said 'yes' to his proposal, this wouldn't be part of the deal.
I reach Rod's door and turn the nob and it opens. Silence fills the room. There, Rod laid on the bed, butt naked, giving pleasure to, clearly, a skank. Rod whips his head around to face me, his eyes filled with both shock and worry and the girl sits up from her position, trying desperately to hide herself in the sheets.
I cross my arms and lean against the wall with an unamused look on my face. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes, but I'm too angry to let them.
"Huh." I think out loud. "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but when I said 'yes' to your marriage proposal, a side hoe wasn't part of the deal. And I'm just now preparing dinner, but it looks like you've already got it." I was heartless, and I couldn't care less. Part of me felt it was my fault. I clearly never gave him what he truly wanted, but why in the hell would he go on and propose to me then?
"Zenia-oh god-" he stammers as he struggles to put his pants back on, but I don't let him finish.
"You know, Roderick David Stewart, you really are..." I struggle to find my words and run both hands through my hair. "Somethin' else, you know that?"
"Zenia, wait let me expl-" I still don't let him finish.
"No- don't you DARE give me that!" I shout right in his face, making both him and the tramp flinch. "Don't you give me that cliché 'let me explain', because CLEARY, you've just explained EVERYTHING without saying a word. you've just explained to me that even if your plan was to make me your wife, I clearly wasn't enough for you and your dick!" I turn on my heal and run down the stairs and grab my bag and keys and head right out the door, completely ignoring my fiancé's pleas for me to come back and leaving the unfinished dinner on the stove.
There was only one place I wanted to be now, my best friend's house. Ronnie's.


"Who the-" I hear Ronnie say from the other side of his font door. I'd been knocking for what seemed like a million times. Ron opens the door and his look of annoyance suddenly turns to concern when he sees me standing there with my head hung low.
"Zenia, what-babe, what happened?" He sets his hands on either side of my head and lifts it up to see my face red with anger and my eyes puffed with fresh tears.
"I should've seen it comin', Ron... I shoulda...should..." I couldn't old it back any longer; I shove myself against his body and completely crumble.
"Zenia, what do you mean?" He asks, as he brings me in his house. I pull away and try to straiten myself up and wipe away my tears.
"I uh..." I start, trying to be strong. "I caught Rod with a...a um..."
"Another woman?" He finished my sentence, shocked.
"Yep. Not good enough for the guy, I-I guess. I ain't good enough for shit, am I, huh?" I was more angry and flustered than sad.
"Zenia, don't say that about yourself, you are-"
"Well to Rod I'm not!"
"No, Zenia! Rod isn't good enough for YOU! You're more than good enough! To me, you're more than good enough..." He says as he takes me in his arms.
I don't want to let go...

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