05 | deliciously burns

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for all the girls who
found themselves in books
- margaret rogerson

the local bookstore was a vellichor haven. the second the door opened and the bell atop it rang its soft tune, she felt a strong wave of wistfulness, like she was walking into a building that was a kind of ethereal that is magical. it did not seem real, nor did it feel real, but it was, and she felt lighter as she observed the scenery for what seemed like the millionth time. the second thing, other than the bell and the music, were the plants that there were many of. she remembers asking the nice owner exactly how many there were, or at least an estimate, and when he said there was a total of thirty one, she believed it whole heartedly. there were potted plants along the soft surface of the counter, perfectly placed so he still has enough room to move around. it's weird, even though you can obviously tell how many there are, it's not likely that you'll feel overwhelmed by it. many are small, and the ones that aren't are out of walk-way.

she must admit that even though this place, aroma café, may be too colorful for some-it was genuinely friendly. with the owners giving out free coffee to loyal regulars (one example being her, she was a sleepy girl) it's obvious they were too kind. and that didn't just show in their actions or attitude, it was also shown in the design of the building. for one, it was tight-knit, just how the regulars (again, mainly her) liked it. and two, it was easily accessible, built like a corner store since it was a street over from rows and rows of houses. all the more better, it was walking distance. lastly, it had the best-and she must repeat for emphasis, the best of snacks (she wouldn't admit that she, at one point, almost liked it more than the books. she does like to check out one after the other, though). it consists of cinnamon rolls, chocolate muffins, glazed donuts, and so, so much more that's a hundred percent drool-worthy. she'd be outright lying it she said she didn't have a sweet tooth. and it wouldn't just be a little white lie; it'd be a big one.

in the summer, it isn't half as busy, and that's when she likes to go. it's where she met her lover, noémie. or rather, where they first saw each other.

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