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" It's been a long time, Jungkook-ah. / Orenmanida, Jungkook-ah." She said, giving him a bright smile before she jumped on him.

Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck which made me feel more curious about their close relationship. She didn't look like girls he had met before.

" Sewon-ah" he said shocked.

Her face was so familiar to me. But I couldn't remember where and when I had seen her.

She looked at me and then I recalled it. She was that girl in the picture with Jungkook.

" Annyoenghaseo / Hi! " I said quietly, bowing down but I was ignored.

She quickly grabbed Jungkook's hand from me and linked her arm with his.

" You're on the way to leave, aren't you ?" she asked, looking at me.

" Should we leave it for later, uh? It seems like you are busy today." I said.

" Um okay byeeee." she said, pulling him to his house while waving at me as they left.


He didn't call me yesterday. I had strange feeling about it.

As I was waiting for the bus I heard a group of girls talking about him.

" Have you heard it? Jungkook oppa ex-girlfriend is back." " Since she came back they must have started seeing each other again!" " I heard she is living with him right now. Oh my, I'm really jealous!" " She is really pretty." " I think they will become a couple again." " Ugh, I'm jealous of them."

What?ㅡ So, she is his ex-girlfriend?
" Why didn't he tell me about it? " I said, bitting my bottom lip.

I walked toward the school gate and they were there. Standing next to each other. Laughing together.

Even though I was a bit upset and jealous I pretended that I didn't see them and walked in.

He saw me.....

But I turned my look on the other side.

The beating in my chest made me feel like my heart was about to explode out of my body. But then I received a message.

From: Jungkook ❤️

Yesterday I met a friend I used to date. I'm sending you this message because you may hear something from someone else and misunderstand. I will tell you everything when we meet... I promise


My phone ringed while I was in library. I got a new friend request on KakaoTalk. She added me. Kim Sewon.

Curiosity didn't let me and I added her. I decided to check her profile. As I was looking through her pictures I found older pictures of her and oppa.

As it seemed they had had unique relationship. Was I jealous of their relationship? I was aware of the fact that I couldn't change their past.

" What should I do? " I sighed out loud, with my chin in the palm of my hand.

Suddenly Sora came.
" Sunbaes have invited us to Sewon's welcome party. But I suppose that Jungkook has already told you about it " she said.

No, he hasn't. But why hasn't he?


I had no other choice but to attend the party. I felt really really uncomfortable... I sat in front of Jungkook and then she arrived.

" I am sorry. I am sorry. I'm a bit late." she said, tucking her hair behind her ear and smiled.

" Hey! It's your welcome party how can you be late?" Namjoon screamed " Hey,hey stop it. Pretty girls can do that." Jimin said.

" Come and sit here, you should sit next to Jungkook." Namjoon said, pointing to the seat next to him.

" Hey since she is here let's drink. Okay?"
" Cheers!"

I was still sad. He didn't even look at me since we came.

" Sewon-ah, you have gotten prettier. Who would have thought we would see you two again. Right?" The guy next to her said.

I looked at Jungkook to see his reaction.

" You two should start dating again!" the other sunbae shouted.

And then he finally looked at me. He was kinda nervous.

" Then should we ask them to do a love shot?" Ugh, that sunbae wouldn't stop.

" Love shot~ Love shot~ Love shot." everybody shouted as I was looking around. I just wanted to leave at that moment.

He is looking at me. He is looking at me.

But then I saw as she lifted his hand. She was about to give him a glass of soju. But before she could he interrupted her.

" Please. Let's ㅡ just drink comfortably."

I sighed softly.

" I must have been drinking too much." She admitted, putting the other glass away.

" Um, Jungkook-ah you drink this. In the past you always drank it for me. " she revealed, handing him a glass of soju.

I couldn't hold it. He has never drunk it for me. I looked at my glass of soju and as I was going to drink it Jungkook lightly grabbed it away.

I was shocked.

" You have had enough... And also you aren't even good at drinking..." he said, looking into my eyes as he drank it.

He was so cool actually. My heart was about to melt. I felt like he still loved me but she messed this moment again.

She seemed angry. She placed her head on his shoulder and pretended to be drunk.

" Um, she gets drunk so easily." " Yah Jungkook-ah take her home."

Omg this sunbaes. Just stop it!

He looked at me and understood that I wouldn't like him taking her home.

" Just go." I whispered. And then they left.
" What are you doing??? Why didn't you stop him?" Sora slammed my shoulder.

" Go to him." She said, pulling me away from my seat.
" You're right." I felt really self-motivated. I ran towards the door but then I stopped.

I hid behind the corner and saw them.

I saw them kisㅡsㅡing.

I made an eye contact with her when she ran her fingers through Jungkook's hair, pulled him closer and gave me a look that said " you should give up."

That night I realized I lost him. Forever.

{ A/N } hey my lovely readers! I'm so,so,so sorry for letting you wait so long. I was so busy with school BUT you can look forward to my new story called " Still into you" with Jungkook. The trailer is already out. Anyways I hope this chapter wasn't bad enough and thanks for everything. Have a nice day<3333

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