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Except Sora and my boyfriend Taehyung I didn't know anybody here since we have moved to Seoul.

"Yah Kim Raeah how about we go to a club tonight?" Sora asked me.

"No, we are still 17 and school is tomorrow."

"Just one more time, pleaaaaseeee"

"They won't let us, cuz we are still under 18!"

"Don't worry i will take care of it." I was really nervous because of what would happen if the police would arrest us and mum with dad...UGH I didn't want to even think about it.

"Okay" I gave in.

We left without telling my parents of course. Finnaly we arrived to the club.

The music was so loud and they were playing our favorite song. We went inside without difficulties. I felt really excited maybe just because of music. My body was about to explode.

"Raeah, lets get something to drink !" she whispered and I just nodded.

"Taehyung won't come?" she asked me curiously while dancing beside me. I shook head with a sad look on my face and continue dancing with her.

As we were on our way to bar, there was a boy sitting there. He looked cold. He was holding a glass of whisky and his left hand was placed on that girl's waist who was sitting next to him. She looked like his girlfriend.

"Who is that?" I asked Sora while secretly pointing at him.

"Who? Oh, he is Jeon Jung Kook and that girl next to him is his girlfriend Heran. He is the hottest guy from our school and he is also good at everything, that's why he has loads of fangirls.His girlfriend isn't nice tough. Don't try to even look at him because she gets jealous easily. She is no joke."

"Are they from the same school like us?" I was shocked.

"Yes. It will be interesting if we end up in the same class as Heran this year." Sora said.

We went straight to the bar and Sora order two beers. Omg, he was checking us out. When we sat down, I looked at him. Jungkook glared at me like he was scanning my face. I tried to avoid eye contact.


After a few minutes I went to order another beer for us. As i turned around there was a guy standing behind me and I spiled my beer all over him.

"Ugh." he was so angry.

"I'm really sorry." I quickly grabbed some tissues and realise that this guy was Jungkook.

Suddenly, he took off his tshirt revealing his muscular body. I instantly looked away because i was really shy. He threw away his t-shirt. As he came nearer to me I closed my eyes.

"2 beers please." he said to the bartender and left. His voice was really soft and manly.

Wow I didn't even believe what did just happened. Just calm down, everything is fine. I went back to find Sora beacuse it was getting late. When I finally got to her I grasped her wrist and we left together.


I was standing in front of my new school. I went inside to see where my new classroom is. Suddenly I felt someones arm wrapped around my shoulders. I could smell his parfume and my eyes got closed slowely.

"oppaaaaaa" I said happily and he softly kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"i missed you so much, did you find your class?" he asked and I shooke my head. Sudennly I saw Sora running to us.

The Heart Wants What It Wants { jungkook bts you fanfiction }Where stories live. Discover now