t h r e e .

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"well nice too meet you" I said, giving her a fake smile.

"let's go oppa" she told him while chewing a gum. He nodded and then they left together. Without saying good bye, he just left.

I saw Sora walking out from the bathroom. I was thinking, if i should tell her about Jungkook. I was scared. What if our relationship will end as soon as she will know it? But as my best friend she have the right to know it.

We order the food and then sat down somewhere near a window.

"um well, you know. I have something to tell you." my arms started trembling. I was scared, what if i'll loose her? I felt really guilty like i just stole something what wasn't mine.

"what?" she said but it looked like she wasn't interested.

"someone kissed me." I mumbled and her eyes were wide open.

"what who?" she shouted.

"jungㅡkook" I said and she was done like literally.

"when??? how??? you and him???" she was confused.

" it's a long story and i just wanna ㅡ" I said but she didn't let me to finish.

"it's okay. It wasn't your fault and i don't own him" she said, giving me her smile.

We were talking about Jungkook the whole time.

" did Taehyung know that?" she asked suddenly and i shook head. "I didn't tell him about it because. Well he kissed me before he've known the fact that i'm oppa's girlfriend. So maybe if he've known it before ㅡ" I said.

"so why didn't you tell him the fact you have a boyfriend" she interrupted me again. But she was right. Why didn't I tell him? I had a strange feeling. Ugh stop.


I'm doing my homework even it's Saturday. People usually do homework on Sunday but I just want to do it sooner and then just relax. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I thought it was my mom but it wasn't.

" At 10 o'clock I wanted you to be gone" dad shouted at Taehyung.

" Yeah father-in-law !" Taehyung replied.

" What are you doing here? And at this time?" i asked. He carefully closed the door and kissed my forehead.


We were lying on the bed while listening to music. I was lying on the top of him and my head was resting on his chest. His left hand was wrapped around my body and his right hand was playing with my fingers.

"oppaaa, It's late" Isaid, looking at him.

"no, just fall asleep on me" he mumbled and i moved away from him before giving him a kiss. He stood up and styled his messy hair.

"oppa will you be tomorrow at Mirae sunbaenim party?" I asked him as i was sitting on the bed.

" maybe, wanna go with me?" he smirked.

" no just" I said as I stood up to open the door but he lightly pushed me against the door. "go with me" he whispered and then started kissing my neck. As gently as he can. I swear I was about to lose my head altogether.

"go home is late!" dad shouted.

" yeah father-in-law " he shouted back, bitting his bottom lips. The way he bit his lips, it always gets me every time.

" don't call me that! I'm not your father-in-law yet!" dad yelled and we started giggling.

"yes, sir" he replied. Then his eyes met mine. They were telling me that he didn't want to leave me.

The Heart Wants What It Wants { jungkook bts you fanfiction }Where stories live. Discover now