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She kissed him like his lips were air and she couldn't breathe. Suddenly the whole world stopped.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran out of the club and started crying. It really hurts me from the bottom to the top. I gave him my trust but he left me for another. I feel so pathetic and stupid.

I walked out and ran straight as I saw the light turned green. Tears were blinding me and they wouldn't stop falling from my eyes.

But then I heard something coming from my right side. That light blinded me even more and I realized it was a car, speeding toward me.


I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times and noticed that I was in a hospital room.

But Jungkook was also there. He was sleeping on the seat next to my bed and holding my hand. I tried to get up but my body protested. I couldn't move.

I signed deeply and looked at him. Why did he come? Why does he still  need pretend to care about me? 

And then Sora came.
" Kim Raeah, are you feeling better? Should I call a nurse?" she asked worried, running towards me.

" Shhh!" I said, putting my index finger over my lips.
" Can you please wake him up? I don't want to see him at least right now." I said and she immediately nodded.

I covered myself under a blanket and waited until he didn't leave.

" Oppa, oppa. Just go home and take a rest." she said softly as she tried to wake him up.

" It's okay. I won't leave her." he said, stretching himself. 
" I want to see her face when she gets up. I think I will go to get some coffee. Do you want something?" he asked but then somebody walked in.

" Jungkook-ah, how's she? " It was Sewon with a nurse. But was is she doing here?

" You could leave now and go to school. Don't worry she is in good hands with us." The nurse said and then he immediately let go of my hand and stood up.

" Let's go / Gaja !" Sewon said, linking her hand over his.

My heart started to ache but at least he left.


It has been a week since I was here in the hospital. My condition was getting day by day better and better. But my heart didn't want to stop hurting.

I was on my way to my room after I left the cafeteria. I took an elevator. My phone was ringing all the time because he kept calling me. In the end I turned off my phone. I wasn't ready to talk to him. There were so many things I would like to ask him.

But I know how it will go. He will keep calling me, telling me just the lies and in the end he will leave me. As Taehyung did.

But as soon as I got off from the bus he was there, waiting for me at the bus stop. I pretend to not know him and walked faster.

" Wait a minute / Cham-kkan-ma-nyo!" someone yelled at me.

I stopped and turned around. It was Sewon. Her look on her face makes me feel so nervous. I was scared.

" Hi! / Annyoeng! " she said a bit cold.
" Annyeonghaseo. Is there any reason why did you ㅡ?" I didn't even finish my sentence and she immediately interrupted me.

" Jungkook. " she said, raising her eyebrow. She looked so upset. 

" I'm no longer the Kim Sewon I used to be. I acted like a fool and lost my love. Once is enough for me. I don't know anything about you two, but Jungkook seems happy to see me. You know having to explain everything single thing makes me feel like...

I'm his mistress or something. "

" What? What do you mean? What are you saying? " I stuttered.

" All I want is Jungkook. So leave him alone." she said, looking straight into my eyes. 

" You don't have to be worried. I will never appear in front of him anymore." I said and then left. But why did I tell her that.

I still love him.

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