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After a week

Jungkook POV

" Jimin-ah..."
" My mum called me yesterday." I said, being a little bit more serious and nervous at the same time. 

" What is it this time?" Jimin responded annoyingly because he was busy playing games on his phone. We were together in our clubhouse. He was sitting on the sofa while I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

" Wo wo... Aish!" He screamed. I rolled my eyes as I sat down on the other side of the sofa. Jimin was so upset about losing the game. What a kid.

" My mum told me that dad wants me to study abroad. He ㅡ wants me to live with my uncle in Paris." I told him, scrolling up and down my phone list. We have not even look at each other. We stopped talking for a while. I didn't know what to say. So, I pretended to be reading something but frankly I was just staring at my phone which was switched off. I really didn't know what to do.

Was he upset? No, we are friends since middle school, he would get that. At least I hoped.

" That's sounds good." Thanks God, Jimin said something. I tried to broke the silence by coughing but it didn't work at all.

"France is beautiful and I've heard that french girls are really pretty. Lucky you, man." he smiled, placing his phone on the table and moved his hands behind his head.

" Right" I said uncertainly. We are about to separate from each other and yet girls are more important than his best friend.

" But Sewon noona will go with me too." I added. It was so weird to say that. Like nothing was between us. She was just a noona for me. Nothing more.

" Does Reah know about it?" He put his snapback down while messing with his hair.

" No." I said, looking at the different side of the room.

" Man! You should tell her before someone else does." Jimin was right. But how am I supposed to do that without hurting her and breaking her heart.

I sighed.

Kim Reah POV

It still crossed my mind what Sewon told me last week. But what am I supposed to do?

I entered into the room where teachers used to be when the break time was, holding tons of books I supposed to bring.

" Annyeonghaseo." I greeted them.

" Oh Annyeong Reah!" There was Sewon, coming out from the corner with our  english teacher.

" Do you guys know each other?" a teacher asked us, pointing at each of us and we agreed.

" You know about Jungkook going abroad, don't you? Did he decide to go in the end?" she asked me. I tried to say something but I was so confused. Jungkook is going abroad? He has never mentioned about going somewhere. Where? When? I wonder what was that going-abroad-thing about.

" He ㅡ didn't mention" I was interrupted by Sewon. Again.

" Yes Mrs.teacher / Ne seon-sang-nim.  Actually, we will be leaving next month. We only need to finish some papers." Sewon smiled.

We? Who we? Oppa and Sewon? It doesn't make sense.


After my classes I decided to go to library. I wanted to escape from the reality. So, I rapidly took a random book and hide myself behind one of the bookcases.

I sighed loudly and opened the book.

I couldn't read. I couldn't focus on reading. The only thing I was thinking about was Jungkook going abroad with a girl he used to date. Has he ever been truly in love with me? Did he use me to fulfill his needs?

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